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(A/N: I'm sorry for the long wait. We just got home and yeah I can access to social media. But we will leave again to celebrate new year with our relatives in another part of the country and social media cannot be accessed because of the connection so, I apologize for a long wait again. I hope you'll still stay.

I also want to say that this chapter is not edited so forgive me for a not great update )


I'm so happy and I don't know why. Is it because Soobin has been treating me well lately or because we finally made up? Oh crap those are the same thing.

Today was a great day. Even if Soobin has not been in the court lately as he has focused on other sports, he still manage to come and see me play boosting my energy. After a half day of practice for the both of us, he takes me to a place to eat lunch and we talk about those things we missed during the time we were not in good terms.

I am beyond relieved that I almost not want the time to end. We were so happy we hadn't notice that its already late. We also didn't check our phones as we are busy laughing and playing.

When I got to my dorm I saw his text telling me this day is great.

I am now in daze as I look at the ceiling but I am disturbed by my ringing phone and I saw its my dad so I answered quickly.


"I don't mean to alert you son but your mom. She's been asleep for two days now. She fainted two days ago and hasn't woken up since"

I froze.


I ended the call as I immediately pack my bag. I'll leave first thing in the morning.

Morning came and I immediately rushed to the bus station and ride home. In the middle of the road Soobin called.

"Where are you?"

"I won't make it to school today. My mom, she needs me" I choked as I'm crying right now

"Oh my gosh. OK calm down. She's gonna be alright. Don't panic OK? Just talk to me"

"She's in danger. I don't know what will I do if she will leave me" I cried not caring about the attention I'm getting.

"No one is leaving. Tell me what can I do? I know I can't give you a shoulder right now. But didnt you tell me your mom promised to play with you at the beach? A mother's promise can't just go away. She will stay OK? Just think of it, she'll stay. Say it "

"I can't think about her leaving"
I sobbed.

"Say it Yeonjun. she will stay. _come on say it"

"S.  .  .  . Soobin"

"Say it"

"She'll. . . she'll stay"

"Now say it again without the stutter. She'll stay right? She will wake up soon"

"She'll stay. She will wake up soon. She's strong." I smiled as I thought about it. My mom is a strong woman. She is a fighter and she will wake up soon.

"Tell me. How do you feel?"

I smiled.

"I'm feeling better. Thank you Soobin. I really owe you a lot" I said as I can't help myself to cry.

When I am almost near our door, I saw my dad talking with captain as he look is down.  When I went closer I saw my dad handing captain an envelope.

𝔚𝔥𝔞𝔱'𝔰 𝔅𝔢𝔥𝔦𝔫𝔡 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔊𝔬𝔩𝔡𝔢𝔫 𝔏𝔦𝔣𝔢 (✔)Where stories live. Discover now