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I woke up finding myself in between Yeonjun and Soobin hyung. O they're still asleep so I got up and get dressed. I know I have earlier classes than the two of them today so I have to take the ride with my dad. Or should I just get a cab?
I went to the bathroom and take a bath after I finish, I went out to find Yeonjun hyung already awake as he stare outside the window.

"Hyung you're early" I said as he smiled and stretch his arms.

"I just felt someone move and I'm awake" he said as he went to the bathroom to wash himself up.

After I put my uniform, that is when Soobin hyung woke up

"O Kai you're going already? Will you take the ride with your dad?" he asked sleepily as I just nod.

"I guess so. I mean I can't tag along with you or I'll be in detention. I'll go ahead hyung. Oh Yeonjun hyung is in the bathroom. He's already there for so long. See you at lunch" I said before climbing down the stairs.

"Kai, you're leaving?" I turn to see Mr Choi sitting in the living room.

"Oh I'll be late if I don't go. Soobin hyung just woke up. I'll go ahead Mr Choi" he gave me a nod as I ran to my house. Mr Choi always scares me and I don't know why.

I felt my phone vibrate and I smiled

From: Mom

"Son, I'll arrive there at maybe 5 in the afternoon. Can you pick me up at the train station? Your dad can't"

Oh yes finally

Beomgyu (finally 😂)

I place the bouquet of flowers on her grave as I sat on the grass.

"Mom, this might be the last time I'll visit you. I don't know when I'll be back. Anyway, I'm still lonely though. It felt so unreal to see your name on this stone. I did not enroll for this year. I thought I will just find my dad instead. I force uncle to tell me where my dad is. Don't get mad at him. And after knowing my dad, I realize he might not accept me. But I have no other family left here and the money you left me isn't enough to keep me living. No one wants to hire me when I went to look for a job. So I will leave for Seoul tonight and I'm saying my goodbyes. I love you mom"

I exit the cemetery and headed home. It felt so empty and lonely without my mom. You see, it's just me and my mom ever since I'm a baby. We live in this house but last month she passed away due to lung cancer. I didn't know she's dying. She never told me anything. I am just devastated when I got a call one day saying my mom is dead. It is so unexpected and I'm not ready. I felt so alone so one day I asked or forced my mom's best friend to tell me who my dad was. And now, I'll search for him in Seoul as uncle said that is where he lives.

I cried as I held the strap of my backpack tightly. I will go to Seoul tonight because I don't know where else to run. I have known no relatives aside from my mom's best friend and I can't live with him because he has a family of his own. We also don't have a house as it was burnt down 2 months ago. We rented a room but not anymore.

My stomach growls as I just smiled to myself. Crap I'm hungry and I can't even afford a meal. My mom and I barely ate 3 times a day as she really want me to finish high school. Tears continue to pour as I reminisce our memories. She, my mom is always tired.

I sat on a chair waiting for my train to arrive. And beside me is an old lady who seems to be struggling with her things.

"Ma'am do you need help?" I asked as she smiled and nods happily.

"Where are you heading?" I asked

"I'm going to Seoul. How about you young man? Where are you going all by your self?" she asked as I smiled.

𝔚𝔥𝔞𝔱'𝔰 𝔅𝔢𝔥𝔦𝔫𝔡 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔊𝔬𝔩𝔡𝔢𝔫 𝔏𝔦𝔣𝔢 (✔)Where stories live. Discover now