~Chapter 20~

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The world around you became blurry as your eyes focused on her. Her and only her. You felt your knees starting to tremble and you felt like the whole world was about to collapse above you.

"I'm so glad you came." her voice is what finally snaps you out of it. Her voice had definitely changed, it was slightly deeper and croaky, but it still held that tone that always belonged to Peggy. You could still hear the voice that got you through so much beneath those layers of old age.

"Hi..." you say, not being able to formulate any more words. You look into her eyes and the emotions you can see through them overwhelm you. Your heart aches at the realization that she hasn't seen you in seventy years. Before you know it, you feel two arms wrapped around you. You smile softly as you hug her back.

"Sorry, I..." Peggy begins after pulling out of the hug and she quickly wipes a few tears away. "I still can't believe you're really here, after all this time...."

"I'm here." you reassure and she smiles.

"Do you want to come in?"

"I'd love to." you say as you follow her into her apartment, after closing the door behind you. As you walk on the floor of her apartment, you can't help but let your eyes take in every detail around you. The apartment holds this familiar vibe to you, still keeping a forties style. You come across several pictures with people in them, but you're only able to recognize Peggy. You suddenly come across a picture of you and Peggy, and it's like you're suddenly teleported back to the forties.
Not being able to control your feet, you walk over to the picture above the chimney and carefully take it in your hands. Your eyes scan the picture as a nostalgic smile plays on your face before you're interrupted.

"You still remember that day, don't you?" Peggy asks from her armchair. You turn your head towards her and nod. "It must feel like yesterday for you...."

"It does..." you say as you take a seat on the armchair in front of her by the chimney. "I'm so sorry." you say as you look deeply into her eyes.

"None of this it was your fault. You did what you had to do, and you saved the world." she says, putting her hand over yours. "I'm the one who's sorry. I've lived my life, my only regret is that you didn't get to live yours." you look down, knowing what she means. She probably thought about how fast this was all happening for you and how you were still hurting over Bucky's death.

"I've been given a second chance, even if it's without him." you say, looking back at her. You didn't need to say Bucky's name for her to know what you mean.

"It's just- it's been so long." Peggy chokes on her own words and you see the tears building up in her eyes.

"I'm here now, and I'm not going anywhere, I promise." you say, putting a hand over hers.

Peggy recomposes herself before speaking up again.

"So, you're working for SHIELD now?" she asks.

"When they told me you were one of the founders; it was one of the reasons me and Steve decided to stay." you say.

"What's the other reason?" she asks.

"I uh- I don't have anywhere else to go. I lost the only home I ever had." you say, choking on your own words. "I'm sorry, I-"

"You're not alone, y/n. You know that, right?" she asks and you nod.

"I do."

"But I didn't mean just me and Steve." she says and you furrow your brows in confusion. "Your family is here too."

"What?" you ask, knowing what she was getting at as a smile starts to appear on your face. "You had kids?!"

"And grandchildren." she smiles back.

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