~Chapter 40~

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damn , this chapter's long. sorry about that. also, there's a little bit of angst in this chapter.


The Golden City, capital of Wakanda, was unlike anything you had ever seen. Even though you have lived in New York and Washington DC for a long time already and have been surrounded by out-of-this-world technology thanks to Tony, that was practically nothing compared to what your eyes were seeing now. Even after seeing so many unbelievable things throughout your life, you were still easily impressed when you saw innovative and advanced places and technology, letting yourself geek out a little bit.

The quinjet ride was around five hours long, and you had time to rest and get to know T'Challa as he piloted the quinjet. Turns out he's actually a very intelligent and understanding person, you had just met under the wrong circumstances, but now that everything was cleared and you had the chance to start over, you got along surprisingly well. After the quinjet landed you were immediately met with T'Challa's royal service and also with doctors and nurses. T'Challa directed them to give you and Steve check ups and to quickly give Bucky medical help. Throughout the quinjet ride, Bucky had woken up at one point before passing out again due to his banged up state. You knew that even though the arm that got blown off wasn't flesh, it probably still hurt Bucky immensely. The metal arm was connected to his skin, and probably when Tony's blast hit him, he felt the burning sting reach the part where metal meets skin, causing Bucky to feel almost the same pain as losing an arm again.

You watch as nurses take Bucky's unconscious body away from the quinjet and into the large modern building in front on you before a few nurses take you away as well, separating you from Steve, Bucky, and T'Challa.

As the nurses brought you to the palace's infirmary, you couldn't stop looking around the inside of the building, mesmerized with its modern and fashionable style.
The nurses took care of a few injuries on your body, and cleaned up the light cuts, bruises and blood that covered your face. After you insisted that you felt completely fine and in no pain, the nurses finally let you go and you were met next with a woman who led you to another area of the palace.

"King T'Challa has provided you with a bedroom here at the palace where you can shower and relax, and where you will also find clean clothes." she says with a thick Wakandan accent as you walk along a corridor until she stops and you reach a door. "Here we are. I will come fetch you later for dinner." she says with a small smile.

"Thank you." you return the smile before she nods slightly and with that, she leaves, leaving you alone in the corridor. You look around and see that there are more doors across the long corridor, and you guess that these are probably all guest rooms. You inspect the door and can't seem to find a doorknob, that's when your eyes land on a small button on the wall next to the door. You press it, and just as you expected, the door slides open, revealing the surprisingly large room. You enter and once you do, the door slides closed behind you. You take slow steps, walking deeper into the room, your eyes darting to every corner trying to take everything in. You reach the king size bed and find a pile of a bunch of clothes smartly folded on top of it. You turn around and the moment you see it, you've already found your favourite spot in the room. It was a huge window that pretty much covered the entire wall with views to the city. You walk over to it and stand in front of the window as you look at the city in front of you. To say you were stunned was an understatement. The view was breathtaking as the modern looking city mixed with nature, creating a beautiful and balanced environment.

After a while you finally take a shower. You stand under the warm water, sighing in relief as you feel the water loosening your tense muscles. You rub the small loofah against your shoulder, tilting your head back and closing your eyes in pure relaxation. After spending a good and very much needed thirty minutes inside the shower, you finally get out and change into some of the clothes that were provided to you. You picked the black leggings and a white fluffy sweater with a turtleneck, simple yet comfortable, just what you needed right now. Not long after you've changed into the new clothes, a knock on your door makes you jump from the bed and walk across the room to open the door. That's when you see the woman from earlier.

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