~Chapter 47~

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A soft breeze hits your naked back, causing goosebumps to rise on your soft skin at the sudden cold feeling. You frown sleepily before opening your eyes and finding Bucky sleeping peacefully beside you. You smile and brush a strand of his hair behind his ear to let you gaze at his features even better. The sight of him looking so calm and in peace gives you an intense feeling of happiness. Every time you thought of what Hydra did to him you felt rage you've never felt before, so to see him finally away from the disgusting organization brings you immense peace as well. After all the suffering he has endured for years, he deserves this and so much more that you were incredibly set on giving him. After all, you just wanted your relationship to go back to the way it was in the forties, but even though you knew you would never get that life back, you were going to try and get as much as you could from that back.

You sit up slowly, careful not to wake him, and you find the culprit that woke you up. The window is slightly open, letting the early morning breeze from the city enter your room. You stand up and grab one of Bucky's t-shirts and some leggings before changing into them. Once you're dressed, you walk over to the window and close it when suddenly something Bucky told you yesterday pops up in your mind. You still have to give Bucky a tour of the compound. A smirk slowly makes its way to your lips as you look behind your shoulder to find Bucky still sound asleep. You slowly grab a cushion from the couch before jumping on the bed and hitting Bucky with it.

"Wake up, Buck!" you say as you drop the cushion to tickle him. Your actions scare the super soldier awake immediately as a loud laugh inevitably leaves your lips. It takes him a couple of seconds to gain full consciousness and sees you laughing and out of breath on his lap.

"What the hell, y/n?" he groans as he rubs his eyes.

"Sorry." you smile innocently. "I just remembered I need to give you a tour of this place."

"And you had to wake me up like that?" he asks, closing his eyes to shield them from the sunlight slipping through the windows. "Couldn't you have been a tiny bit gentler?"

"Where's the fun in that?" you tease. "You're not mad, are you?" you ask, considering the small possibility of having actually annoyed Bucky. He sits up, resting his back against the headboard and looking you dead in the eye.

"Oh no, I'm furious." he says before attacking your neck with kisses, making you laugh as his kisses tickle your neck. His hands travel to your hips as his lips move to your jaw and then your lips. "Why are you dressed?"

You chuckle before getting off of him and Bucky pouts. "Because we're going down for breakfast and then I'm giving you that tour you're so desperately awaiting." you say as you jump out of bed. Bucky shakes his head with a smile before standing up as well and getting dressed quickly, putting a hoodie over his head and some black jeans. After brushing your hair, the two of you leave your bedroom hand in hand and head towards the kitchen. You weren't sure of who would be in the kitchen at 8am, but you were hoping not too many people would since it was only your first morning here and you didn't want Bucky to feel uncomfortable. Thankfully, your prayers are answered when you step inside the kitchen/living room and find only Steve and Sam there.

"Good morning, guys." Steve says after taking a sip from his orange juice.

"Mornin'" you and Bucky say at the same time as you head for the fridge. "Did you guys go on your morning run?"

"Yeah." Sam says. "We just got back to the compound."

"You two are more than welcome to join us whenever you like." Steve says.

"We'll keep that in mind." you say before smiling at Bucky as you grab the milk from the fridge. "Cereal?" you ask Bucky and he nods.

"So, what are your plans for today?" Steve asks.

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