~Chapter 44~

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A/N: so quick question, is this story becoming too long? please answer your honest opinion since i have ideas for future chapters and idk if it's becoming too much.

The strong smell of fresh coffee ignites your senses, making you snuggle closer to your pillow as you begin to become more and more aware of your surroundings. When you suddenly feel the weight shift on the left side of the bed, one of your eyes opens slightly before the bright light coming from the window makes it close almost immediately. You roll towards the side you felt the weight shift on before you feel someone gently tucking a few strands of hair behind you ear. This makes you finally open your eyes completely to find Bucky smiling down at you.

"How long have you been up?" you ask as you sit up.

"Long enough to brew you some delicious Wakandan coffee." he smirks before handing you the warm cup of coffee, making you smirk too.

"Thank you." you whisper before bringing the cup to your lips and taking a sip. "Damn, it's good." you say, surprised.

"Told ya." Bucky smirks before climbing back to bed and sitting close to you.

The two of you stay in a comfortable silence, enjoying each other's presence as you drink up the cup of coffee and replay last night's events in your head. All you did last night was cuddle and kiss after you had both decided it'd be best if you took things slow this time around, since there was no longer a reason to rush things.

"So, last night really wasn't a dream?" you ask as you finish the coffee.

"As far as I'm concerned... it wasn't." Bucky says with a small smile. "You're not having second thoughts, are you?"

His question makes you furrow your eyebrows before bringing you hand to his cheek to stroke it. "Of course not, Buck. I told you, I'm all in."

"So am I." he says, making you smile. You pull him down for a short kiss before lying back down on the bed and he follows quickly. You snuggle close to his chest as his arms wrap around your waist, just like he did last night. You brush his hair lightly with your fingers, making his manbun come undone, and you take a mental note on redoing it later, enjoying how good it looked on him.

"Think we could stay here forever?" you suddenly ask.

"What about the world? Wouldn't we be missed?" Bucky asks back.

"I don't care." you say before propping yourself up on one elbow. "I'm just so, so happy you're here... with me. And now that I have you back, I'm never letting you go." you tease with a small smirk, making Bucky chuckle.

"Me neither." he says. "But I think you'd definitely be missed. You're one of the Earth's mightiest heroes, everyone loves you." he says.

"Well, I think that's overstating things, especially now." you chuckle.

"Still. I won't be in the history books, that's for you. But I loved you first. As long as they get that right, I don't care what they say." Bucky says, making you smile widely before leaning down to captures his lips in a passionate kiss.


Days passed and you and Bucky started growing closer once again. You were being patient and weren't pushing Bucky to make up his mind over going back to New York. After you explained to him your intentions about going back to the Avengers and asked him if he wanted to come too, he was a little bit hesitant but agreed on going, he just needed a tiny bit of time to come to terms with it. You knew it would be hard for him to see Tony again, so that's why you also explained that Tony was ready to forgive him, which helped Bucky's peace of mind immensely.
You had also been in contact with Steve, Nat, and Sam, telling them about how Bucky was doing but not telling them you were back together just yet; you wanted to break the news in person. They kept you updated on how things were going with the rest of the team which was back together again. They explained that the first few days back in the compound were difficult and even awkward, but eventually everyone made amends and things were slowly getting back to normal.

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