~Chapter 49~

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A week after Bucky's proposal and you were still as ecstatic as you were the moment it all happened. Part of you still couldn't believe that after everything that's happened, you were going to marry Bucky, which meant that you now had another chance at a real future with him, something you thought was lost forever. That same night everybody celebrated the two new engagements in the team thanks to the amazing party Tony threw, as his parties usually were.
Being the overthinker you were, you had already began planning all the wedding details in your head, and you couldn't wait to get down to business and start preparing everything with Natasha and Wanda. Nothing could ruin this for you, or at least that's what you thought...

Today you had decided on having a 'me' day. You wanted to have an entire day to treat yourself for once, so you went to New York City to do just that. You couldn't even remember the last time you had a day all to yourself, and you were excited about today. But of course, even if no major world-ending events had happened since Sokovia, and the riskiest things that was happening in your life were missions, you were still paranoid, so you wore your vibranium bracelets hidden underneath your jacket as a precaution.

You stroll down the busy streets of New York, wearing the sunglasses you had bought this morning with a bag full of new clothes hanging on each arm, and a frapuccino in your hand that you sipped on every now and then. You weren't someone who was really into fashion, but a new wardrobe never hurt nobody, and since you were about to start a new era in your life, you thought that was a good way to start it. You were now heading towards Central Park, where you would relax for a while and read a book.

You look around as you step foot in the immense park, and immediately see people all around doing different activities. You smile at the relaxing sight before making your way through the park, looking for a good spot to sit down. Just as you walk further inside, you spot two figures in the distance that look familiar. You narrow your eyes to get a better look before finally recognizing them and quickly walking towards them with a wide smile.

"Hey guys!" you call to them before finally reaching them. Tony and Pepper turn around and smile when they see you.

"Hi!" Pepper smiles. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I just went shopping and now I was gonna stay here for a while." you say before noticing their running outfits. "Were you guys running?"

"Yup, we just stopped for a break." Tony says. "I personally would've kept running but Ms. I'm Tired over here couldn't keep up." he says, making Pepper gasp.

"Excuse me, you were the one who wanted to stop!" Pepper says making you chuckle.

Suddenly, an orange portal opens in front of the three of you and a man wearing a red cape walks through it.

"Tony Stark, y/n y/l/n." he says, making all of you look at him surprised, unsure of what to expect. "I'm Doctor Stephen Strange. I need you to come with me." Pepper puts her hand on Tony's shoulder in surprise, none of you knowing what to say. "Oh, uh, congratulations on the wedding by the way. You too, Captain."

"I'm sorry, you giving out tickets to something?" Tony asks with a skeptic look on his face.

"We need your help." Strange says. "Look, it's not overselling to say that the fate of the universe is at stake." His words make you even more confused, but also trigger a deep fear within you.

"And who's 'we'?" you ask.

Seconds later, Bruce emerges from behind Stephen, a worried look on his face, your eyes widening slightly at the sight of him.

"Bruce?" you say.

"Hey, y/n." he says before looking at Tony. "Tony."

"Bruce." Tony says, looking just as shaken as you.

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