~Chapter 48~

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Time passed quickly. Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. Things had slowly gone back to normal, everyone on the team falling back on that same routine you once had. The gash that had once divided everyone you cared about had been healing to the point where everyone seemed to have moved on, even Tony. Friendships were rekindled, putting the past behind them.
Having Bucky around at first wasn't easy for Tony, and no matter how hard he tried to hide his struggle through his witty and sarcastic remarks you still saw right through him. Until one day that mask was gone, and it seemed like he was genuinely okay with Bucky's presence. Those short sentences exchanged between them turned into long conversations, the two of them outgrowing their differences.

You and Bucky had grown closer than ever before, even more than back in the forties, if that was even possible. Your love was different now, it wasn't the classic teenage love that made you feel butterflies in your stomach, now it was a lot deeper and mature, using everything the two of you had gone through to strengthen your relationship. Your life seemed to have become stable once again, and you liked that.
Once he was ready, you took Bucky to visit New York City for the first time. It was hard for him seeing how much the city he grew in had changed, just like it was for you when you first got out of the ice. But eventually he got used to that as well, and he came to know the city like the back of his hand just like he did in the forties. You went out on dates in central park or other of your favorite spots in New York, enjoying every second of the time you spent together and making the most out of it since you knew that all of that could be taken away from you at any moment, you had learned that the hard way.

Just like you expected, you started going on missions with the rest of the team. It wasn't as hard as you thought it would be for you to get back on the field. Bucky on the other hand still wasn't ready and that was okay with everyone, the team had also become a lot more empathetic and understanding with Bucky's situation and his past.

You were glad to say you had made a new friend during these months, Peter Parker, also known as Spider-Man. You met him one day when you were casually strolling down the hallways of the Avengers compound when you saw him and Tony speaking. Apparently he was one of the kids in the Stark Internship Tony had talked to you about once. Even though you technically met him back in 2016 at the airport fight, you didn't really get the chance to talk to him, all things considered. So, when you saw him again at the compound, this time in a much more peaceful and appropriate setting, you introduced yourself to him and that turned into a really wholesome friendship. You would hang out with him every time he was at the compound, enjoying your shared passion for Star Wars, one of the many things you had in common.

Life was good. And for the first time, in a long time, you could imagine a future where you were happy.


You look at yourself in the full-length mirror as you struggle to zip the back of your dress. You groan, a curse escaping your lips, as you struggle to reach the zipper.

"Here, let me help." Natasha says as she gets up from your bed, dropping her phone on it, and easily zips the back. "Perfect." she says with a smile before squeezing your arms and meeting your eyes through the mirror. "You look beautiful. Bucky's gonna be drooling when he sees you." she smirks, making you chuckle. "Nervous?"

"No." you say quickly. "Well, maybe a little." you sigh.

"You have nothing to be nervous about, y/n. Just loosen up and have fun." the redhead smiles.

"I will. But it's just that I'm kind of in the dark tonight." you say. "Bucky's been very cryptic. All he's told me is to wear something fancy and to meet him at the lobby."

You look at Natasha through the mirror only to find her looking at her feet nervously. You furrow your eyebrows, knowing something's up, before turning around to look at Natasha properly.

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