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"What?" I say. I look at Tae. I grab my phone and look at the news. Headlines were everywhere. It was true. Jackson was dead. I look back up at Tae. I was speechless. Someone rushes into the room and I turn around. It was Jin. "Y/n we have to get you out of here. Fans are blaming you and are ticked off." Jin says. He looks panicked. I look at Tae. "Get her home. The doctors said I can leave tomorrow since I am feeling okay. Don't let anyone touch her." Tae says. He seemed scared and mad at the same time. Jin nods and takes my arm. He hands me a mask and a bucket hat so I put them on. I wave bye to Tae and we leave. 

Jin and I walk out of the building. Fans were everywhere. I look at Jin. I felt scared all of a sudden. I hold onto Jin's arm and put my head down. The fans swarm us. I was immediately pulled away from Jin and into the crowd. I fell to the ground. A group of girls attacked me. They kicked me and hit me hard to the point I was bruised and bleeding. I was in a lot of pain. There was yelling, cursing, and screaming my name. After almost 10 minutes, security came and drew out the angry fans. I laid on the ground shaking. Jin was pushing through people trying to get to me. I felt dizzy and pain. Jin finally got to me and picked me up. I flinch in pain but I was unable to move. He took me back into the hospital and I was taken away by nurses.

"Y/n, I'm going to go get tell Tae what happened, hang in there." I hear Jin say as the nurses take me away into the ICU. I didn't want Tae to know what happened, but I was too shaken to speak. 

~Tae's Pov~

I was laying in my hospital bed looking up at the ceiling. I was a little worried about Y/n and the angry fans but Jin was with her. I open my phone and look at the news. Something caught my eye. The title was "Bts Jin and Park Y/n swarmed by fans." My eyes widen. Jin busts through the door. "Tae, Y/n is in the ICU. The fans attacked her. She doesn't look too good." Jin says. There was obvious panic in his voice. I jump out of bed, unhook the IV and push past Jin. I run straight to the ICU. I see Y/n surrounded by doctors.

"Y/N!" I scream. A nurse pulls me back. "Let me in!" I yell. She was already hooked up to an IV. "Please calm down, we need you to go back to your room. Who are you to this girl?" She asks. Tears were in my eyes. "She's my girlfriend," I say. The nurse nods. "Then we will come back and update you. If she is doing good enough, we can put her as a roommate in your room." The nurse says. I nod. Jin comes over and takes my arm, helping me back to my room. I sit down on the bed. A nurse comes back to put the IV back into my arm.

"Jin....what happened out there?" I ask. Jin sits down next to my bed. "We walked out, the fans swarmed us. They attacked her by kicking her, punching her, and cursing at her. I tried to get over to her but I was trapped by fans. There was a huge crowd around her. She probably broke some ribs. I'm sure she will be okay though." Jin says. I nod. A nurse comes back in.

"Miss Park is in a good state now. She has a few broken ribs but she will be fine, We will be moving her into your room if you don't mind." The nurse says. I nod. I sigh with relief. A few moments later they wheel Y/n into my room. Her face was stained with tears and her eyes look over at me the moment she comes through the door.

~Y/n's Pov~

I open my eyes and look over at Tae. I have been laying in this hospital bed almost all day now. Tae was laying on his side looking at me. "How are you feeling?" Tae asks. I turn my head and give him a soft smile. "I'm okay, but it hurts a lot," I say. Tae nods. "I'm so glad you're okay." He says. I smile at him again. "You know....i feel like it's my fault Jackson died," I say. Tae shakes his head. "None of this is your fault. Maybe it was because of Mark of BamBam. We won't know though. He had his own reason." Tae says softly. I nod. I know he is right, but I can't stop thinking about it. I look at my phone. There were messages from Jackson.

Jackson: I'm sorry, I'm sick of bambam doing this, it's my fault they are like this.  I have to go. Goodbye Y/n, stay strong and have a good life.

Jackson: I love you a lot.

My eyes widen. The tears fall again. Tae looks at me. "Did you see his messages too?" He asks. I nod. "He sent me a message too." He says. I cry. I cry hard now. The tears spilled out of my eyes. Tae gets up and moves over to my bed. I move over slightly and he crawls into the bed next to me. He holds onto my hand. "Jackson will never leave our hearts, remember that," Tae says softly. I cry into his shoulder. He strokes my back gently. "You need to get some rest, it's late." He says. I cry a little more before I fall asleep in Tae's arms.

Hello there my lovely people. 
I hope you liked this chapter. Btw Jackson is still alive in real life so don't be too sad. Anyways I love you guys. Keep voting because we are up for the  WATTYS!!! Okay bye bye

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