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"dallas! let's go!" my bigger sister shouts. being late for the first day is a plus, you know? greeaatt. we both woke up late because we stayed up late prank calling restaurants knowing that we had school. it was fun not gonna lie but right now this is not fun.

"um, can i have a iced coffee?" even tho we are late and should be speeding down the streets and running red lights we are at starbucks because ya girl needs some caffeine in her tummy or she wont make it through the day. but my sister shes probably thinking about smashing my face into the wheel, she hates being late. i'm not too worried only because it's the first day and there probably wont be homework.

so we made it to what i call hell, it's school actually but it feels and looks like hell so yeah.

first period was okay, the teacher is actually rude but it's fine, i don't know anyone here and they were all staring at me. oh yeah! i'm pretty sure i didn't mention but we switched schools because our dad wanted to live closer to his job.

lots of boys cat called me and slapped my butt, it was uncomfortable so i went into the girls bathroom, witch was a bad idea because there was a boy in there making out with a girl. Nobody cares what bathroom you go into now? okay.. not a pleasing sight because unfortunately the girl was slobbing all over the poor guys face but he's enjoying it because- yeah, he just is. so i walked out acting like that was normal only to find guys surrounding the bathroom. one of the guys rushed up and piked me up by the legs fliped me on his shoulder.

"hey! put her down!" i heard a voice say, wasn't just a voice, it was probably the cutest voice i have ever heard. the guy threw me to the ground and i hurt my bum. where is the carpet when you need it?

the night and shining armor was now on top of the guy punching him. he is cute, very cute indeed. he came over and picked me up by the arm, but immediately slammed to into the wall. "who are you?" some of his curls fall to one side as he tilted his head slightly, "d-dallas" i stuttered...i freaking stuttered. i hate myself sometimes omg. "dallas." he repeats, he took my hand and spinned me around, guessing he looked at my figure. i looked at him and he nodded and licked his lips, okay. that was hot.

"diego" he said and walked off.

bad boy☆diego martirWhere stories live. Discover now