Chapter 13 - Passed Out {}

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Chapter 13 - Passed Out


I walked into the office hesitantly. Brandon hadn't said a word to me since the gala two weeks ago and I was still nervous. I was nervous to the point where my hands were shaking insanely. I wasn't aware that I had done anything wrong or to hurt him indirectly.

I sat at my desk and began to arrange all of the meetings for him to attend when the door to my office slammed open causing me to jump with fright and terror. I swear that I thought the building was getting raided or something of that degree. So you could imagine the shock I felt when I saw Brandon walk in through the door.

"Ashley," Brandon slurred as he walked in barely keeping his balance.

"Brandon?" I asked looking at him.

"Why don't you love me, Ashely? I'm dying to get your love but that good-for-nothing..." He trailed off before regaining his train of thought, "Melanie's brother has the thing I want most," Brandon slurred as he approached me his eyes red.

"What do you mean?" I breathed out as I studied him.

"Don't you get it! Damn it! Why are you so dense all the time?" He said as he began to yell his hands were clenched into fists.

"What don't I get?" I asked trying to calm myself down.

"I love you! I love you Ashley Hayes yet you don't return those feelings," He slurred as he fell onto the ground hitting the floor with a loud thump.

"Oh my goodness!" I said and ran to him shaking his muscular body.

"Brandon!" I asked worriedly.

"Brandon!" I shook his limp body again as I hurriedly grabbed my phone and dialed Lissa. She came running in a few moments later her face turning pale when she saw her brother's unconscious body on the floor and began fumbling with her phone in an attempt to dial 911 while I carried on shaking him like there was no tomorrow.

I let the tears that I was holding in roll out of my eyes and they dripped onto Brandon's handsome face as harsh images of my mother and father hit me like a truck at top speed.

My breathing became erratic.

"No, no, no!" I cried as I looked at Brandon feeling like the six-year-old once more.

Vulnerable and helpless.

"Ashley! Calm down!" Lissa said as she came and hugged me tightly.

"Ashley breathe," She said and rubbed soothing circles on my back, "He'll be okay, I promise you," She whispered.

I shook my head, "That's what the redhead said and then they weren't okay," I sniffed.

"Look, Brandon is unconscious from the amount of alcohol he stupidly consumed," Lissa informed me trying to be gentle.

"He could die of alcohol poisoning!" I screeched.

"He won't. The ambulance is on their way over here," She told me, and feeling numb I nodded.

The ambulance ride was intense. All the employees looked in horror as they carried Brandon's body out on a stretcher. The paramedics were all checking his pulse before they allowed Lissa and me to get in and they drove like maniacs to the hospital. I was working to count from one to a hundred whilst Lissa drew soothing circles on my hand to calm me down.

"He'll be fine." The paramedic that was monitoring Brandon said, "I doubt he will have to have his stomach pumped. I think he passed out from exhaustion." 

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