Chapter 25 - Drinking & Driving{}

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Chapter 25 - Drinking & Driving

Please take the time to read the author's note below after reading the chapter. Thanks :)

"What?" I yelled.

Darren shrugged, "I owe Lina some... cash."

"For what?" I demanded.

"The fact that you would run right back into his arms the minute he came back to you," Darren said.

"You and Lina?" I said my mouth dry, my heart hurting at my best friend's betrayal.

"It was pretty fun watching you struggle. Just so you know I'm behind more than you think," Darren said smugly as he walked out of the room, his last comment appeared to be directed at Brandon.

"What the hell is he talking about?" Melanie asked.

"I have no idea," I said, "But I know one thing for certain," I added.

"And what's that?" Melanie asked.

"I wish I never woke up," I said.

"Oh! Don't say that Ashley!" Brandon said with a grimace.

"I opened my eyes only to face a billion problems!"

"Lucky I'm a billionaire that can help solve them," Brandon said.

"You can't be serious!" I said.

"What?" He asked.

"She isn't a fan of Ariana Grande!" Melanie piped in and I gave her a small smile.

"I didn't say anything to do with Alissa Grande!" Brandon protested.

"It's Ariana," Melanie said with a frown, "If I explained to you, you wouldn't understand anyways,"

The only thing at the moment that was genuinely bothering me was what Darren said. 'Just so you know I'm behind more than you think.' His words were replaying constantly in my head, what could he possibly mean?

"Earth to Ashy!" Brandon said snapping his fingers near my ear

"What?" I asked.

"What were you thinking about?" Brandon asked.

"Darren. Lina. The one thousand dollars that he apparently owes her." I said.

"Something fishy is going on here!" Melanie said.

I nodded, "I always did feel suspicious of him, to be honest. He was always out late and he barely came home to visit me on weekends."

"Maybe he has a secret girlfriend?" Melanie laughed.

I glared at her, "Not funny Lanser. If he did I hope he gets swallowed whole!"

"What kind of 'hope' is that?" Brandon laughed.

"A painful one on his part," I said.

"Okay. I'll get my PI to investigate this case," Brandon said.

"Your PI? What's that?" I asked confused.

"Personal Investigator. The best in the world and he is employed by me." Brandon answered arrogantly.

"Oh okay," I said.

"I'm going to go call him," Brandon explained.

Brandon stepped out of the room, leaving Mel and me in the room alone. 

I glanced at her and noticed that she had begun wearing the engagement ring on her finger.

"You're finally wearing it?" I asked her.

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