Chapter 37 - The Visit {}

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Chapter 37 - The Visit

Friday came around sooner than I had planned. I had already said goodbye to Lina and was standing nervously on the curb waiting for Brandon to pull up in one of his many flashy and expensive cars.

I sighed as I saw a shiny red car make its way to me. Despite knowing absolutely nothing about cars, I was fairly certain that Brandon was driving a Ferrari. Brandon stopped the car and killed the engine right next to me. I jumped off the pavement and made my way to the passenger seat when I saw Brandon already pulling the door open for me.

"Thank you," I said and slid in.

Brandon nodded his head in response and made his way across the front of the hood and back into the driver's seat. He revved the engine twice catching the attention of every single person nearby.

"How was my beautiful girlfriend's day?" Brandon asked as he turned to look at me, his sunglasses resting on top of his head.

"Great. There weren't that many customers today," I shrugged.

"Business going down?" He frowned.

"That's what Darcy said yesterday. They were looking for some investors or some business with a big name to help them branch out." I explained.

"I could help, but I would want to have seventy-five percent of the profit," Brandon said.

"Seventy-five!" I screeched my eyes popping out of my head.

"That's what I said. I'll completely fund it and open up new branches and hire qualified employees and Darcy can have the remaining twenty-five percent," Brandon reasoned.

"I don't think she will accept, to be honest. Besides she raised the business from the ground you can't just take seventy-five percent and leave the original owner only a twenty-five percent profit! That's like insanity, I think you should only take like thirty or even forty percent!" I insisted.

Brandon smiled, "Seventy," He lowered.

"You can talk to Darcy about it. I'm warning you she won't want you to invest," I informed him in a matter-of-fact tone.

"It depends on how desperate she is. If she wants to save the whole business from crumbling to the floor she will have to accept whatever she is being offered." He said smugly.

"You sly son of a bachelor!" I cursed.

"Your crude words hurt me, love." He laughed.

"You're sadistic," I stated.

"And you're adorable," He grinned looking at me.

"I wasn't complimenting you. I'm calling you sadistic for a reason!" I told him.

"I decided to ignore you and compliment you instead. See? I am a nice and good boyfriend." Brandon said.

"Wow! Just because you called me adorable doesn't make you the best boyfriend ever," I rolled my eyes.

"I'm trying here," He said but it sounded like he was whining.

"I guess you are." I agreed and watched as he carefully switched lanes.

"You know, I want to teach you how to drive," Brandon said dropping the bomb on me, making me gasp.

"What?" I all but yelled.

"I want to teach you to drive." He said again while I vigorously shook my head.

"You know you can't do that!" I yelled, "I can't get behind the wheel for too long!"

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