Chapter 36 - The Last Straw {}

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Chapter 36 - The Last Straw

"We can't keep doing this! We're literally going around in circles!" I hissed contemplating whether to throw my wine at his face or not.

"It's - I'm sorry," He apologized, and I immediately cut off what he was going to previously say.

"I'm sure you are." I said, "But Brandon this is the last time I will accept your apology." I said in a warning tone.

"I promise to try not to screw up anymore," He said and placed a hand against his chest, and looked me in the eye, "Scout's honor."

"Look I don't mind you making mistakes. Heck, we all do. I make mistakes and you make mistakes but I don't appreciate you calling me an idiot and insane." I said and tried to give him a somewhat genuine smile, "You're supposed to love me!"

I was still terribly sad and embarrassed at the way he publicly humiliated me. I reasoned with myself to forgive him fast and quickly and not drag the problem along. I guess I missed him in the time we had been apart.

"I called you stupid and not an idiot," Brandon said while I glared at him.

"How does that make it better?" I yelled at him and slammed my shiny silver fork down on the table, causing the drinks to vibrate. A few guests looked over so I pretty to laugh so as to not create a huge scene.

"I guess idiot is worse than stupid." He shrugged.

"Men," I muttered and rolled my eyes, and stabbed my steak.

"I apologize I guess. It got out of hand and I was jealous that... that, that vile man was touching what was mine. I was blinded by my rage and... jealousy and the alcohol I drank didn't help. It's just when I arrived I didn't hear you screaming so I thought you consented."

"Do I look like the type of girl to go with random boys?" I asked.

"He's sixty-something - I hardly classify him as a simple boy." Brandon scoffed.

"I don't care. Is he married?" I asked Brandon suddenly.

"No, why?" Brandon said looking at me confused.

"He walked up to me and asked my name. I lied and told him my name was Kiara and he told me that he had a wife named Kiara who would love to meet me. I refused but he forcibly dragged me out and when I began to scream he slapped a hand on my mouth," I said recalling the events of last night.

"That son of a bachelor!" Brandon swore.

"What's his name?" I asked him.

"Gregory Silvano. He isn't married but he has a daughter that he was trying to convince me to marry." Brandon said.

"Why was he at Alessio and Melanie's engagement evening?" I asked confused.

"He's related to Hunter Colton. Apparently, Alessio felt the need to invite Hunter and his uncle in hopes of taking over Gregory's mini business."

"Doesn't Alessio run an empire like you?" I asked.

"You can't compare my company to his. We both specialize in different things, mine being technology." Brandon explained.

"I understand," I said.

"Am I truly forgiven?" Brandon asked me suddenly as he studied me.

I nodded, "You are."

"Why? Why did you forgive me so easily? You used to make people work for forgiveness - you believe that it shouldn't be given out freely otherwise other people would take advantage of you," Brandon exclaimed.

"I decided that it's better to avoid conflict than be the cause of it. Last night, that was on both of us in a way. You should have been more understanding while I should have tried to get help faster." I admitted, "Besides I understand that some situations just need to be left in the past."

"When did you get so wise?" Brandon laughed and I smiled.

"I have always been this wise. I just don't show this side of me to anyone and everyone. You have to be special to receive my pearls of wisdom," I said with a smirk.

"Nice," Brandon said nodding his head.

"Thank you," I said.

Brandon smiled, "I also asked you on a date here because of another reason." He said clearing his throat.

"And what would that be?" I said with a small smile.

"Ashley Hayes, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked me, a hopeful expression on his face.

"Let me think," I teased him.

"Ashley!" He whined making me laugh.

"Yes, Brandon Hawthorne, I will be your girlfriend." I agreed and he smiled.

"I love you so much!" He yelled.

I blushed, "I... I," I began.

"You don't have to say it back, love. I understand you don't love me and I can't wait for you to. I don't want to pressure you into saying something you just don't feel like saying." Brandon said with a smile.

"That's one of the things I love about you!" I said happily.

"You love me?" He asked.

I nodded, "I was trying to tell you earlier but you wouldn't let me. You kept on cutting me off!" I said.

"Say it!" He demanded.

"Say what?" I asked him confused as hell.

"That you love me. Say that you love me, Ashley," He begged.

"I love you, Brandon Hawthorne." I said as I looked into his dreamy blue eyes.

"I love you too, Ashley Hayes."

"I'm thinking that it is time you met my parents, John and Heather Hayes." I said and began to tear up at the thought of him.

"I... are you sure?" Brandon asked seeming to be speechless and obviously taken aback by my sudden invitation.

I nodded, "Of course! I'm sure they'd love to meet you." I added.

"I'd love to meet them too. I want to thank them for creating such an amazing creature such as yourself," He smiled.

"Thank you," I blushed and tried to turn away.

"Don't turn away from me when you blush. The red covering your cheeks makes you look absolutely adorable," Brandon said with a small smile causing the red on my cheeks to spread even further.

"So when are you free?" I asked him.

"I'm free whenever you are." He said without missing a heartbeat.

"I'll take a day off work. Does Friday sound good to you?" I asked him with hope.

"It does indeed," Brandon said.

Hey Guys!

So they finally go on a date. Ashley drops the bomb of him meeting her parents, how do you honestly feel about that?

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Thanks for reading, I'll see you next update!

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