Chapter 49 - Trouble In Paradise

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As we held hands and and made our way down the beach, I felt content. I felt happy, something I couldn't really allow myself to feel ever since my parents passed away. In a way, over the span of our relationship that was filled with drama and heartbreak I realised that it wasn't my fault at all.

It was a coincidence. A horrible coincidence that affected me for the rest of my life. I couldn't exactly exhale and let go of them because they were my parents and nothing  nor no one would ever replace them. The love of a parent is much different to the love of anyone.

"What are you thinking so deeply about?" He asked me, a smile lighting up his  perfectly sculpted face.

"My mom and dad." I admitted as we swung our interlocked hands.

"They're very proud of you, Love. I know they are!" He smiled at me, "I love you, Ashley."

"I love you too, Brandon." I smiled before he picked me up and threw me in the salty and cold water.

"Brandon!" I screamed when I swam up to the surface and wiped the water off my face.

"Oopsie!" He laughed.

"Get in or I will pull you in!" I called.

When Brandon dove in the water we ended up just swimming around before playing volley ball against another Spanish couple that appeared to be vacationing in Valencia.

We won twice in three matches, they had won the last one as Brandon lost attention and appeared to be quite occupied by a certain blonde that was holding hands with a man, both were posing for the camera that had been set up in front of them. They were both clearly swimsuit models.

I could see why, the girl was perfect and was a real life super model with a perfect body and pearly smile. Her blonde hair fell in perfect waves down to her waist, her body had a nice tan as she posed and showed off her pearly white teeth.

"Why are you even looking at her, Hawthorne?" I asked Brandon angrily, wondering what could possibly be going on in his mind at this current moment.

I also wished I could read minds, then I wouldn't be wondering, but I'm no Edward Cullen.

"I think I know her. She looks really familiar," Brandon insisted.

"Why don't you get a pair of binoculars." I suggested with an eye roll, "You've been staring quite a bit. I don't want you to strain your eye sight hun," I added sarcastically.

"Don't tell me you're jealous, Ashley." Brandon said, "You know you're the only one for me. I mean I married you for heavens sake!"

"Marriage is just a piece of paper," I said, "What the marriage means to us is what marriage is."

"I'm fully aware of that Hawthorne," Brandon smiled smugly.

"I'll never get used to the surname change. I've been known as Ashley Hayes for practically my whole life and now I'm suddenly known as Ashley Hawthorne." I whined.

Brandon chuckled, "You'll get used to it sooner or later," He grinned.

"I'm sure," I rolled my eyes.

We walked back to the shore and grabbed our towels when I spotted a mini shop and realised that my mouth was dry and my body was in need of hydration.

"I'm heading to the shop to buy some water." I told him, "Do you want something?"

Brandon shook his head, "No." He responded and sat on the sand.

"I'll meet you here, okay?" I asked him.

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