Chapter 32 - Conferences & Theme Parks{}

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Chapter 32 - Conferences and Theme Parks

Brandon spent the whole day in the boardroom conducting business meetings in order to merge with other companies. Richard Hawthorne, Brandon's father, had suggested that he expand Hawthorne Tech all across the globe and open many different kinds of businesses within the business. So no longer a business that only dealt with technology and the production of smartphones but also a company that would be creating a new jewelry brand that would fall under the Hawthorne umbrella. I had to say, Richard was incredibly ambitious and had the craziest dreams ever.

Brandon was now attempting to create a merger with a gold processing company that sold raw materials overseas. South Africa produced a lot of raw materials such as gold, silver, diamonds, and metals like iron as well as platinum. They had plenty of mines and workers who worked them well.

I was really excited for today as Brandon had promised to take me to a very popular theme park, south of the province in which we were currently staying in and we could spend the whole day at the theme park enjoying all the rides. He had stated that the name of the park was Gold Reef City and it was a main attraction.

As I was watching Netflix on the tv, Brandon burst into the room and threw his suit jacket off and onto the bed.

"I'm going to take a shower and then we can leave," He said to me.

I nodded, "I'll be waiting..." I trailed off and continued to watch the show.

Twenty minutes later, Brandon was ready to go. I loosened my dyed blonde hair and fixed it in the mirror. To be honest, I missed my dark hair. I guess my blonde hair phase had already worn out.

"I'm ready. We can leave," I said.

"Great," Brandon smiled.

We both walked hand in hand to his Lamborghini. He unlocked the car and opened the passenger seat door for me and helped me get in. I watched as Brandon walked gracefully around the hood of the car and slid into the driver's seat.

He reversed and began to drive carefully out of the hotel parking. At the gate, three men joined us and took the seats in the back, and remained silent.

When we arrived at the theme park I got very excited as I didn't go to many when I was a kid. Brandon paid the entrance fee for all five of us.

"Which ride do you want to go on first?" He asked me.

"I don't know!" I said, "How about that one?"  I said pointing at a boat that was flipping people three hundred and sixty degrees in the air. I could hear their piercing shrieks as my adrenaline boosted.

"Alright," Brandon agreed.

We both went and stood in line. When it was finally our turn in the ride the employee in charge of the ride strapped us in tightly. He lowered the metal on our legs as I looked at the uncovered roof.

"Brandon!" I whispered.

"What is it?" He asked me.

"What if we fall out of the machine? The roof is open!" I gasped.

"Are you having second thoughts about this ride?" Brandon laughed.

I shook my head, "I'm worried about those kids." I said pointing to four kids who appeared to be about thirteen years old.

"Don't stress about them too much, love." Brandon said, "They're on here by choice."

"I guess," I said.

A loud piercing sound was heard before the boat began to rock gently at first before it increased speed and began to flip us all over the show. After three revolutions, the boat remained upside down and sprayed water in our faces. I gasped for air and began to cough as the water landed in my mouth. Brandon attempted to block my face from the incoming water by placing his hand in front of my face as I continued to cough and sputter.

After several more rounds of that, we were allowed off. My clothes and hair were completely soaked with water.

"You look like a wet dog," I said laughing at Brandon who raised his eyebrows at me and rolled his eyes as he squeezed his shirt.

"We should go on that donut thing!" Brandon said excitedly and I nodded in agreement.

We ran to the line and lucky for us we were allowed on almost immediately. The ride had no seats, we stood and held onto the metal bars in front of us. A few moments later the employees came around and checked the doors before the ride was activated.

The ride began to spin us around in normal circles before it sped up. The ride began to rise.

"Oh, my word! It's breaking!" I screamed, "It's breaking!"

The donut stood up and became a Ferris wheel and spun us around in quick circles making me dizzy. One second I was facing the floor the next I was facing the sky. I continued to scream at the top of my lungs as I was terrified.

After what felt like nine million years the donut came back down and halted. The workers helped all of us out. I noticed a few people run over to the railings and threw up making me scrunch my nose at the smell.

"Are you okay? You screamed a lot." Brandon said.

"Thank you Captain obvious but I'm okay thanks for asking."

"That's good." He grinned.

We went on other rides such as the swings which were literal swings that lifted you in the air and swung you, and the torpedoes which were little machines that spun you around. We also went on a train that took us through the whole park.

"Do you want to eat something?" Brandon asked me.

I nodded, "I'm starved."

"What would you like to have?" He asked me and pointed at a few shops that were open and busy.

"Can we have KFC and then Milky Lane after?" I said, salivating at the appealing ice cream.


We both ordered a twister and a coke. The guards claimed that they weren't hungry but asked for water. We then went over to Milky Lane, a South African ice cream shop, and ordered a monster ice cream. It was practically the largest ice cream I have ever seen. When we finished that we decided to go on the ride which was known as the "lake ride" with the guards before we went home.

When we arrived we both watched some tv and made some conversation before we took turns showering and preparing for bed.

"Did you enjoy today?" Brandon asked and I nodded happily.

"I did!" I said and giggled.

"I'm glad," He said and lay on the pull-out couch, "Goodnight Ashley. I love you."

"Goodnight Brandon," I said.

I could tell that he was doing his best to make it up to me. He was really putting in a lot of effort and doing small things that although may seem like nothing, meant the whole world to me. He made sure to prioritize me and my needs and never neglected me. If he was gone for long periods of time, he would always come back and somehow still have the energy to explore the country with me. He never once complained about being tired or not wanting to do something.

I appreciated it. I did still love him, after all, you can never truly fall out of love with someone. Especially not with someone like Brandon. 


She didn't say 'I love you back' *heart breaks*

Anyways, hey guys! How's your day been?

I just wanted to thank you all for the 19,6K reads on the book! It means a lot!

Any particular thoughts on this chapter?

Other than that don't forget to vote and comment and I'll see you in the next update coming very soon! (Like maybe Monday or Tuesday if not earlier!)

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