Chapter 40 - This Is It {}

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Chapter 40 - This Is It

"Thank you for agreeing to accompany me, pretty lady," Brandon grinned as fetched me from my apartment for our date at Bellas.

"You're welcome, dear," I said with a laugh, Brandon and I weren't exactly the couple that called each other pet names like sweetpea, dumpling, honeybuns like other weird couples do. If we did, I feel as though I'd totally gag.

He helped me down the stairs and out onto the road where a fancy car sat, engine on by the curb.

"You brought the Lamborghini?" I asked as we approached the cobalt blue car.

"Yes, this one is brand new. It's the first time I'm driving it since they delivered it to my penthouse," He grinned as he gently caressed the car.

I rolled my eyes, "I like the color. It's a replica of your eyes," I said honestly.

Brandon laughed, "I'm sure. I also like the color,"

"Okay," I shrugged as he opened the door and helped me in.

He walked across the hood and got in the driver's seat. We drove out of the mini complex, and when we stopped at a red light I saw him drum his fingers nervously against the steering wheel. I studied his expression he looked happy but his shoulders were tense.

"Brandon?" I said snapping him out of his reverie.

"Hmm?" He responded looking at me absent-mindedly.

"You seem nervous. Are you okay?" I asked him.

"I'm fine Ashy," Brandon claimed as he wiped his forehead.

"Alright, the robot has been green and the car hasn't moved an inch!" I insisted pointing at the robot.

Brandon cursed before he slammed his foot down on the engine and the car flung itself forward the impact forced me back into the seat, as per usual my breathing began to constrict as the images around me began to become quite blurry.

I heard Brandon curse as he took a sharp right and then began to slow down. I glared at him as I placed a hand against my chest hoping to calm my erratically beating heart.

"That was uncalled for," I said.

He didn't respond and a few moments later, Brandon pulled his car into the parking lot - not literally - and then like the gentleman he was, he opened the door for me and helped me out.

"Brandon stop fidgeting, please. You've been at it the whole night!" I said as I watched him wrap and unwrap his napkin

"I.." He began.

"Is it business troubles? Nicholas or Hunter making your life hard? How are Hunter and Claire anyways? I left in such haste last week." I said.

Brandon smiled, "They're great. Claire sends her regards to you and no Nick nor Hunter has made my business life any more stressful than it already is," Brandon admitted.

"Well, that's good. I don't want you to be under useless stress. You already stress a lot. You realize that when you're older you're going to have more wrinkles than an average person?" I stated happily.

Brandon choked out a laugh, "Sure. I mean, do how many wrinkles I have really matter?" He asked.

I nodded, "Of course! Wrinkles appear on you when your skin loses its elasticity," I informed him.

"How do you know this?" Brandon asked me.

I smiled, "I went on a dinner date with a dermatologist once."

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