Chapter 19 - King Of Broken Hearts{}

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Chapter 19 - King Of Broken Hearts

A/N: This is a very long chapter so sit back relax and get comfortable! Try not to throw your device!

"Ashley let me explain!" He begged.

"Get out!" I screamed.

"Please-" He began.

"Get the hell out!" I yelled gritting my teeth.

"You get out! It is my apartment!" He yelled back.

"Fine. I'll get out!" I yelled.

I began grabbing my pajamas and slippers, my toiletries, and everything that was in this apartment that belonged to me, I threw the newspaper on the dining table with hate. How they managed to write and publish an article so fast was a surprise to me. This had happened mere hours ago. I was so heartbroken by the whole situation and didn't have a choice of having to face it every five seconds. 

Last night Brandon had made me feel like an idiot. He embarrassed me in front of the most influential people in the whole country. I couldn't even recall all the events that occurred from the moment I saw the whole thing until the moment Brandon's driver dropped me off at his penthouse. It was all such a blur. I was in a rush to get out of the ball because I really didn't want to face the pitying looks of everyone around me or the smirks of the woman who thought they were better than me. Why couldn't women just support one another? Why did we have to tear each other down? I didn't understand.

I stormed out of the penthouse, but not before slamming the door extra hard on my way out.  I hope it broke, I thought to myself. Pressing the lower level button of the elevator I waited patiently as it rolled to a stop before sprinting out. 

The blonde-haired receptionist looked at me as if I were crazy. I probably looked very much psychotic but that wasn't my fault, I'm blaming that one on the Newspaper Team that decided to out my boyfriend to the world and in the process embarrassing me and endangering my relationship which at this point I realized was completely over. I wanted to deal with this problem privately, I didn't want my name splashed over every single newspaper in the country!

To say last night was intense would be a huge understatement. My perspective had been clouded by my tears and intense feeling of betrayal. How could he have done that to me? 

I stopped a cab and gave him the address to go to Melanie's apartment. The ride was rather awkward and he did try to bring up all of the drama but I shut him down. I really was not in the mood to talk about it when all I wanted to do was curl up and cry. I got into the apartment and found Melanie deep asleep on the floor just by the door of the apartment.

"Mel!" I nudged her with my hands as I knelt beside her.

"Melanie!" I called again.

I carried on shaking her afraid she was dead from alcohol poisoning as the heavy smell of liquor was wafting in the air. I shook her harder.

"Melanie, please! Wake up! Move! Do something!" I begged her.

I carried on shaking her body as tears began to flow out of the corners of my eyes. Shaking, I grabbed my phone and dialed 911 praying that they would be able to help her.

"911 What's your emergency?" The responder asked.

"My friend is on the floor and I've tried waking her up but she won't move!" I cried into the phone, as I choked out the address.

She immediately dispatched a team of paramedics to come to our house. When they got here I immediately opened the door and allowed them to prod and poke her. I had suppressed the urge to yawn as I was exhausted from the hectic night I had just had.

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