Chapter 17 - Balls & Brazil {}

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Chapter 17 - Balls & Brazil

I sat staring out of the window as Mrs. Hawthorne discussed the details of the ball with the event planner. I signed as I saw the Grand Hall in the Hawthorne towers turn into the most beautiful arena the world has ever seen.

Unlike the last time, the theme was white and blue. Mrs. Hawthorne had snowflakes descending from the ceiling. The round tables had a pastel blue table cloth clothing them and the whole area just looked spectacular, with diamond chandeliers hanging from the ceiling.

"What do you think, Ash?" Mrs. Hawthorne asked me, grinning like a child on Christmas Eve.

"I absolutely love it, Mrs. Hawthorne! These colors blend so beautifully! The table design is amazing and do not even get me started on the decorations and snowflakes!" I gasped.

"Ashley please call me Evelyn, Mrs. Hawthorne makes me feel old!" She laughed.

"Okay sure, Evelyn," I responded with a smile just as Brandon walked in.

"Stop terrorizing my girlfriend mom!" He grinned.

"She's making me feel old, honey!" Evelyn smiled as she pulled her son into a hug.

"Ashley," Brandon said.

"I'm kidding! She likes being formal this one - Mrs. Hawthorne this and Mrs. Hawthorne that!" Evelyn rolled her eyes.

Brandon laughed, "She does that with me too and she is my girlfriend!"

"I just like respecting my elders!" I protested.

"You're calling me old then?" Brandon gasped.

I nodded, "That also implies the term pedophile," I winked.

"Ashley! I'm pretty sure that you consented to date me." Brandon huffed and crossed his arms.

I shrugged, "There's no evidence of that,"

"Who said I didn't tape the whole thing?" Brandon asked smugly.

"Well Mr. Hawthorne I find that really creepy," I laughed.

Brandon rolled his eyes, "That's still proof that you consented to our relationship!" He sang.

"Yeah whatever," I said and rolled my eyes.

Brandon remained quiet as he took in the Hawthorne Grand Hall's decoration courtesy of his mother, her event planner, and in conjunction with myself.

Evelyn studied her son a grin on her face.

"What do you think of it?" She smiled.

Brandon nodded, "I approve."

"You can just say that you love it!" Evelyn rolled her eyes as she fingered a dainty snowflake.

"That doesn't make me sound like a CEO mother! I need to sound professional like my father taught me," Brandon said.

Evelyn rolled her eyes, "You needn't be so uptight all the time you know! I'm your mother and Ashley here is practically your wife!"

I coughed when she said that.

"Mother!" Brandon whined.

"Son!" Evelyn mimicked and I laughed at their family banter.

In a way, the way Evelyn and Brandon were behaving brought the few memories that I had of my mother back to me.


"Mom, why do books have unicorns when they aren't real?" I asked my mom as she gently brushed my locks.

"They're something from someone's imagination. It's good to have some sort of an imagination Ashy," She smiled as her gentle fingers plaited my hair into the French braid.

I nodded, "But why would you make children believe that they are real when they aren't?" I questioned.

"Unicorns are real, Ashley. They're not real in the world we live in, but they are real in the fairytale realm where good defeats bad."

"I wish I could live there," I sighed as I stroked my white and pink unicorn that was lying on my lap.

"I wish I could live there too. That world is the best, the hero or the prince always beats the bad and evil guy." My mom said as she tied a red ribbon around the end of the plait. The red ribbon matched the birthday dress that Granny had bought for me.

"Don't the good guys win in our world?" I asked her.

My mom shook her head with a sad smile, "Not always."


I blinked rapidly as someone's hand passed in front of my face, snapping me immediately from my reverie.

"Earth to Ashley!" Brandon yelled in my ear.

I flinched, "What?"

"You kind of completely zoned out there. I was wondering if you're okay, you seem a little pale," Brandon murmured as he pressed his cool palm against my forehead.

"No fever." He commented after removing his hand, his blue eyes peering into mine.

I shrugged, "I was just remembering... something," I trailed off and added a small smile for effect.

Brandon shook his head, "Care to share?"

I sighed, "I feel like it's kind of private. I'm sorry, Bran." I told him.

"Bran?" He laughed.

"Your new nickname. You always call me Ash so I think I can call you Bran, It's only fair." I smirked.

"It is yeah." He grinned as a blush formed on his face.

"Aw!" I cooed squeezing his cheeks, "Is the billionaire b-wushing?" I said in a baby accent.

Brandon rolled his eyes, "It's hot in here you know,"

"Sure," I smirked, "I'm sure it's because there are thirty-eight air conditioners in the room all set to freeze it,"

"Yeah Whatever!" He said.

I smiled.

"In three weeks I'm flying out to Brazil." He began, "I want you to come with me,"

"I- Brandon I can't..." I trailed off, "I have a job here and besides I've never been on a plane before..." I shuddered.

"I'm the boss. I think you forgot that, Ash. Besides it's my personal assistant's job to document everything for me so technically you're doing your job. Lissa is coming with if that makes you feel more comfortable," He said concern flashing in his blue orbs.

I nodded, "As long as I'm working on this trip I'll come. Just because you're my boyfriend doesn't entitle me to rights that the other employees don't have," I added.

"You are my girlfriend and I'm the boss. Whatever I say goes." Brandon smiled.

"I prefer to be fair, you know that!" I protested.

Brandon nodded, "I know but my company... my rules!"

"Sure," I rolled my eyes as Brandon continued to brag about his C.E.O position at Hawthorne Tech.

"I'm really excited about this trip," Brandon grinned and I smiled.

"I am too! I have never been to Brazil let alone out of this state." I grinned and thought of all the possible memories that could come with this trip.


Yay! Chapter 17 is out!

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See you next chapter!

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