Chapter 35 - The Spilt Drink{}

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Chapter 35 - The Spilt Drink

Alessio finished his speech of engagement and I and Brandon were busy walking around mingling with the guests. Nicholas and Perla had left as Perla felt really sick and had a stomach ache.

Brandon had introduced me to Hunter Colton that was the C.E.O of Colton Enterprises and his girlfriend Claire who was quite shy. They both were around the area somewhere. Alessio and Melanie were both talking to Mr and Mrs. Jackson so they were occupied.

"Do you want to dance?" Brandon asked me with a broad smile.

"Of course!" I said.

Brandon and I walked hand in hand to the designated dance floor and began to sway to the music playing in the background. We stared into each other's eyes and as I looked into Brandon's beautiful blue eyes - it was the moment I realized my depth of love for him. I had always known that I loved him, I never questioned it but I never knew just how much.

His blue eyes felt like home. It was true when they said that home is not a building, it's not a room, it's not anything but a person. Brandon was my home. The admiration and love I felt for him really overpowered any resentment that I may have harbored or bottled up.

I had always asked my mom when I was younger how to know who is the one. She had always replied with "Oh, honey you will just know" and at the time I believed her response to be silly but standing right here, in Brandon's arms... I just knew that he was the one for me.

"Would you like to drink something?" Brandon asked and I nodded.

"Can I have a nonalcoholic beverage?" I asked and he nodded.

"Of course," He said and walked off after winking at me, "Stay here." He said.

I was alone on a dance floor when a man that looked unstable on his feet approached me, his eyes were bloodshot red.

"What's your name?" He slurred as he gulped his drink.

"My name is... Kiara!" I lied.

"Kiara - a beautiful name for a beautiful woman." He grinned, "You know my wife's name is Kiara!" He told me.

I nodded, "That's lovely,"

"I'm sure she'd love to meet you!" He grinned and grabbed my hand.

"Please let go of my hand!" I begged.

"Come meet her, Kiara!" He said, swaying.

"Maybe some other time!" I said.

"No! Now!" He yelled. I was hoping someone would hear what was going on but everyone was too busy occupied and the music was way too loud. I could barely hear myself think.

"Help!" I tried to yell but his gross hand covered my mouth.

"Help! Someone help!" I yelled louder but it was muffled and no one heard me.

The man dragged me out of the ballroom towards his car and I began to thrash and scream hoping to wake the two sleeping security guards.

"Please!" I yelled, "Leave me alone!"

"You're too beautiful to be left alone!" He yelled as he ran his rough hand down my cheek and I shuddered at his touch.

"Please!" I cried out.

"Now, now don't cry, Ashley." He said with an evil smile.

"How do you know my name?" I asked him shocked.

"You're Brandon Hawthorne's girlfriend. Everyone knows your name, dear. Richard promised me that his son would marry my daughter!" He yelled his hand wrapped around my neck, "But he broke it off to be with you. I wonder what he would do when he finds you dead in the ballroom-"

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