Chapter 20 - The Talk{}

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"I'm sorry," He said.

"Is that your explanation?" I said menacingly.

He shook his head, "I prefer to apologise first seeing as you deserve it."

"You wouldn't say!" I said sarcastically which earned me an eye roll.

"Look I was drunk and she came on to me." Brandon said.

I laughed humourlessly, "That's funny. You blame the girl. Sure, turn everything on the one that has a fiance."

"I'm serious. You want me to phone Sophia?" He asked me ready grabbing his phone.

"He even has her number!" I gasped and rolled my eyes.

"We did business together." He told me with a exasperated sigh.

"Business or business?" I asked him crossing my arms across my chest.

"Can you stop being so damn condescending Ashley! I'm here trying to fix us but you keep on hurling insults at me! It was just a kiss! It didn't mean a damn thing okay?" He yelled causing me to slightly flinch.

"Yeah, sure the typical 'it was just a kiss'," I said mocking his deep voice, "And this thing about us what if I don't want there to be this so called 'us' anymore?" I hissed.

"You're breaking up with me?" He asked sadness lacing his tone.

"The minute you kissed Sophia Lancross was the minute I dumped you!" I yelled at him.

"What do you mean, Ashley? I love you!" He said.

"Yeah. I thought I loved you too." I admitted, "I can't love liars or cheaters!"

"I told you it was a mistake!" He screamed.

"And I don't care! Look Brandon I'm sick of this. I'm sick of there being a toxic 'us' and personally, I don't know how long I can keep this relationship going. I think it's best to end it," I said.

"You're officially breaking up with me?" He asked again his blue eyes dark.

"Yes. I'm sorry. Consider me resigned as your personal assistant as well." I said and left the cafè wordless.

I took a cab home and as soon as I reached I broke into a puddle of tears. Lately, I had been crying a lot. I just couldn't seem to keep anything together. I was hurt and upset about breaking up with Brandon but it was for the better.  He'll find some nice rich girl that his father will approve of and he'll forget all about me. I tried to reassure myself. I couldn't help but feel miserable that things had to end. I guess a billionaire belongs with a billionaire.

I sat on my bed as I went through my gallery. Tons of photos of me and Brandon both being crazy, lovey dovey and making weird facial expressions. I clicked the rubbish bin icon but I couldn't bring myself to click the confirm. My finger hovered over the confirm button but I ended up retracting it and placing it on the cancel button. I couldn't bring myself to just delete the memories of our happiness. My mother did always say: "Happiness doesn't last forever but neither does sadness." I do now believe that her words were true.

I broke down when an image of Sophia and Brandon showed up. The image showed me how unfit I was for Brandon. I was poor and an orphan I had no businesses to merge with. I barely could support myself let alone try to fit Brandon's standards that are set by society. 

Sophia's blonde curls fell elegantly down her back, covering the backless part of her white dress that looked like it could buy me a double-story house. Her dress was made from what appeared to silk and lace. One of her hands which was also impeccable was wrapped around Brandon's neck, her long French tip nails were showing and the other was on his cheek. They were obviously kissing and Sophia had her eyes closed revealing her most likely professionally done make up. Brandon had an arm around her waist his eyes, too, were closed as his other hand was on her face.

I sighed as I looked 'Sophia Lancross' up on Google. Most of the results were news reports about her engagement to Alessio Jackson and then another few reports about her modeling and acting. There was a ton about the Snowflake Ball and the picture of her kissing Brandon at many angles. It was made clear to me that this kiss wasn't done in a secluded spot as many different newspapers had captured the moment.

What happened to Hayes?

Hawthorne and Lancross have game

The other titles made me feel small and insecure. The only indication that I was alive was my steady breathing which begin to increase rapidly as my heart began to speed up and my palms began to get clammy.

I also noticed that Alessio's profile on the internet came up. I noticed that Melanie was in his arms as they danced the night away. They looked so happy it broke my heart.

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for my best friend but lately nothing 'happy' was coming my way. All I saw was hurt and even more hurt. In the end, it was painful for me to even think about.

This is why Ash! She's better than you. You're nothing. You're nothing. I said to myself as I took deep breaths allowing deep sleep to engulf me.


"Ash! Wake up!" Melanie yelled.

"What is up?" I asked her peeling my eyes open.

"The ceiling," She joked.

"Seriously?" I frowned.

"Just kidding! Someone's at the door for you," She giggled.

"Who?" I asked her tired.

"Just come see!" She giggled.

I sighed as I slipped on my robe and dragged my feet across the floor of our apartment. I sighed as I pulled open the door and stood in shock.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked a frown painted on my face.


Hey Guys!

I'm sorry about the cliffhanger...


Who do you think is at the door?

I also wanna hear what you guys think is going to happen in the next few chapters!

Thanks for reading!

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