Thank You

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I just wanted to say thank you to every single person that in a dedicated manner supported me on this journey with Ashley and Brandon.

Although, the book between the two has finally come to an end after approximately a year of writing it, I can't help but feel sad to actually leave these characters behind because I feel like I've become much apart of the story.

I've decided that although Brandon & Ashley's story does end here, their legacy won't. I've decided to created another book in the Hawthorne series, in Daniella's or Matteo's point of view. (More detail on this will follow later on.)

Over a year ago, when I originally started writing this book I would have never imagined that it would be read by this many people! When I started writing this book I'd originally taken it down before I reposted it and tried my best to fix it. I obviously will be going back and fixing spelling errors, although I tried to keep those to a minimal. I am human and obviously do make mistakes, so I'll go back and fix it.

So, I'm extending another thank you to all those who: voted, commented, shared this book, or even added it to their reading list. You all have motivated and inspired me to actually finish the book and I'm glad that you hopefully do like it.

Thank you for giving this book a chance and I hoped you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it !


TPB won FIRST place in the Romance genre of the "My hard work" award which is pretty cool in my opinion !


F A N  A R T

I would like to actually create a Fan Art book with all the things you awesome readers have made me! I would like to showcase your talent and obviously give you credit for it!

Note: If you would like to still submit any fan art for this book you're very welcome to do this as I would like to include it all in a book that showcases all your awesome talents.

Thank you to all those who either submitted a: book cover, drawing, banner, trailer or just random doodles for this book! I really do appreciate it. Anything is welcome!

If you would like to submit anything you can do so via my e-mail:


P.s: Don't forget to include your wattpad username so that I can give you credit!

SUBMISSION: The submissions of fan art will be accepted any time etc...


S E Q U E L  I N F O R M A T I O N:

As I've mentioned above, I've read the comments on the Epilogue asking for a sequel. So I have been deciding whether to create a 'sequel' for Daniella or Matteo Hawthorne.

Would you guys like a sequel?



Thank you for reading this really long authors note and I will see you next time.

P.S If I make a groupchat on Instagram, who would be down? You can comment your instagram username on the side or privately message me if you don't want it to be public 💙

Thanks Guys!

S O C I A L  M E D I A

INSTAGRAM: pearl_love_27

E-MAIL: Itspearllove27@gmail

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