Chapter 44 - The Flu {}

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Chapter 44 - The Flu

"Jeesh! That woman is so harsh and rude and all bad things in the world that I will not be mentioning!" Lina yelled as soon as the snooty woman had left the boutique.

"She wants to be served on hand and foot!" I said rolling my eyes.

"I hate people like that! She thinks she is so high and mighty while she is just a piece of gum stuck on my Prada heel!" Lina hissed.

"Your heels are Louboutins and not Prada." I happily informed her after peeping at the brand.

"Your phone is ringing! It's lover boy!" Lina called and tossed me my phone, "Catch!" She yelled.

I managed to catch it and pulled the green button, allowing me to answer the phone.

"Hey babe," I greeted Brandon.

"Is this Miss Hayes?" A snooty, annoying voice of a female asked.

I sighed, "This is she." I responded.

"Miss Hayes this is Stephanie, Mr. Hawthorne's personal assistant. We're at his penthouse and he is asking for you," Stephanie said.

"Alright, I'm on my way," I said and ended the call.

"Everything alright?" Lina asked.

I nodded, "Yeah. Could you tell Darcy I stepped out and that I will work overtime tomorrow to make up for the missing time?"

"Okay," Lina agreed, nodding her head.

I grabbed all my things and hailed a cab. I gave the driver Brandon's address and we made our way to the building. The lady at the reception allowed me access to his floor when she knew who I was.

I punched the number '2701' in and thankfully the door opened. I saw Stephanie and Brandon in his bedroom.

I stormed inside causing Stephanie to jump with fright.

She gave me a menacing smile, "Your fiancè was requesting you," She said and pointed to an unconscious Brandon with a lipstick stain on the side of his lips that looked quite smudged. I noticed another stain on the collar of his suit.

The bright pink of the stain matched the one Stephanie was wearing.

"Thank you for looking after him, Stephanie. You can go back to your actual job," I snapped.

Stephanie laughed and walked out of the room.

I was not going to fall for her tricks, I knew that she had set him up. Brandon was loyal to me and he would never do something like that and destroy our entire relationship.

I lay a palm against his forehead and felt his temperature. He was boiling hot.

"Brandon!" I said and shook his body hard.

"Ashley?" He croaked looking out of it.

"What's wrong? You're burning up!" I gasped as he coughed.

"I think I may have fainted in the office and somehow got in here." He said weakly as he shivered his eyes looking dead.

"Stephanie brought you here and apparently kissed you," I informed him staring pointedly at the stain on his face.

"What?" Brandon shouted before he dissolved into another coughing fit, "I'm suing her for harassment!" He said and continued to cough. I knew she was trying to make me believe that he had done something with her.

"I'm going to phone the doctor, love," I told him and grabbed his phone. I opened his phone with my fingerprint and dialed his personal doctor.

"Hello is this Brandon Hawthorne's personal doctor?" I asked the dude on the other side of the phone.

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