•Chapter one•

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Welcome to my first book (Idk what to call this but yeah a Book)  So I decided to make this, (Cuz it's freaking stuck in my mind and I want to let it out)
This Chapter contains:
•Bad Grammar
Warning: If you are not comfortable about this chapter well don't read it please. Thank you

The cover picture is not my drawing nor Art, Art by "UselessArtist", Cover edited by me. Hope you enjoy the first chapter!
•Chapter one•
"Where Am I? "
Mornings light struck on his eyes, he felt grasses underneath him, he groaned in frustration and slowly opened his tired eyes,  The sun's light stung his eyes that made his eyes blurry "Ack!  Puta-" he quickly covered his eyes, when his vision started to get clear he slowly took off his hand on his eyes and looked up the sky, he raised a brow, he don't know where he is but he slowly sat up, he felt pain starting to ran down his head, he closed his eyes once again and placed his left hand on his head while his right hand helping him to stand up, When he successfuly stood up, he looked around "Wait... I don't understand.." He saw a road heading through North and South, he doesn't know how did he got there but he looked around again, he sighed deeply and looked down, he saw some red substances on the grass, he raised his brow and it looked like it has a trail of it "Is that... Blood? " he thought to himself, he started to follow the trail entering a nearly darked forest.

•Minutes later•

He kept on following the trail until it ended, he saw something so he stopped, he saw a hand that matches his color 'Red' fear started to crawl up his mind he slowly looked at the hand and throught the 'Dead body' his eyes widened and his jaw dropped, he started to shake violently "H-hindi puwede toh... " (I-it' can't be) he covered his mouth and tears stunged his eyes closing them,  seeing his own body laying on the ground, like having a bath on his own blood, he then started to ran on a different direction "HELP!" He said while his lungs started to burn from running, he stopped and catch for some air, panting hard like a dog "Where.... Where Am I!? " he then started to ran again and seeing a light on where he was heading, he lift his right hand infront "HELP ME! " The light started to grow more as he felt the warm light striked in his hand, he closed his eyes jumping through the light, and then he felt like falling,falling on a cliff, his gasped and opened his eyes, he was hanging on an old tree root, he looked down seeing darkness, he started to cry "KUYA TULONG! " Phil said as loudly as he can, hoping that someone will help him.
He heard a crack on the roots where he was holding,  "NO! " He then stretched his left arm trying to reach the surface but he failed, The old tree root he was holding, it cracked loudly and he started to fell into the dark, his eyes widened "No.. " he said weakly while he slowly fall down to the darkness, he closed his eyes and hugged himself while he fall, he wished that this was just a dream.

Chapter 1 finished!  Chapter 2 is coming if you guys want more!
Thank you for reading this book, hope you guys understand ^^"

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