•Chapter 5•

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"All woke up"

Phil woked up as he felt his upper head stung, he slowly opened his eyes and a light stunned his eyes making him winced softly, he closed his eyes and heard someone entering in the room he was in "Phil... I wish you've saw what I did to Ame, He was like begging for mercy-*Gasp* PHIL! " he heard a shocked gasp and softly open his eyes once more, he was dazed and confused on what's happening, he felt soft two hands touching the side of his cheeks as he saw the person infront of him, his brother was tearing up and he grabbed one of his brothers left hand "What.... Where.... Happened? " he asked weakly since he can only see with his one eyed vision because the other one was bandaged up and some of his broken bones as well patched up "Nurses, check the patient if his fine" the doctor commanded as the nurses followed it's command.

#Minutes Later#

Del entered the room as well, knowing that his cousin was fine and out of comma "Phil.. Glad that you're finally awake! It's been nearly half a year, glad that you can join us when new year comes and it's nearly Christmas!" phil looked at his two loved one persons as he smiled soothingly but still confused on what's happening and how did he end up on the hospital "Wait.. What happened? Why I am here? And why..." he scanned his bandages and looks back at them "Where's uncle Llanera? Where's Papa? Where's Mama? Martial? Am I dreaming or it was just a dream? " the both two Filipinos looked at each other in shock as they don't know what Phil was talking about, they where shock and confused as well but they're relieve that Phil is back with them.

"You... Don't remember Phil?" del said softly, he knows that Phil's hearing is still sensitive so the both tried not to hurt their poor brother with some loud sounds "Remember what? All I remember is that I'm with you guys and Martial...we where kids and I met this guy named Llanera, he...he even bought us toys! And he was a good man!" phil said, trying to cheer himself up if the dream was all true "Llanera? Kids? Toys? " Martial chuckled at that and cleared his throat "I don't have any memory about that, that was just a dream Phil." Martial said, finishing the conversation "But! It felt surreal!" he said debating "Phil! Enough! Please just take a rest! You need it!" Martial said as Del agreed but he was still constant about his statement.

*Month's after Recovery*

Phil looked at the circular large window as he waited for his two brother's packing up and taking some medicines for Phil 'is it just a dream? If it's a dream... I wish I can see... Wait, No what's his name? I can't recall! Shoot... But I wish I can see him in personal' he thought to his mind as the wheelchair he was sitting on starts to move but he didn't notice it, his still deep in his thoughts "Phil the doctor said that you'll be fine in weeks if you keep on taking your pills"  Phil didn't notice that he was dozing off until Martial gave him a jacket that'll keep him warm as they continue to go back home.

*Minutes later*

"Alright it's my turn to guard Phil" Del said to Gani as Gani nodded, leaving his niece behind as he take his break to rest, yes this is rare because the two boys always fight but they're not fighting,Phil looked at Del and cleared his throat "K-kuya Del? What happened? Why did I end up in the hospital? Did something bad happened? Is it? " Del looked at Phil as he intertwined his hands and the looked at a white uniform, Phil looked at it too and his confused why "Um.. That's a white uniform..it's yours right? Kuya Del? " "No... It's not mine.. It's yours.. And you shouldn't move your bandage on your left eye.. It's a bit disturbing.. You don't want to see it" When Phil heard that he got chills and spooks inside him and choke it in "S-so can I go outside and do my old things? " "No you cannot do that.. They're scared of you...oh it's time for your pills I'll go get them" Del smiled at his cousin and stood up "What? Scared of me?  WAIT!!" It was too late for Phil to stop Del because Del's out for his Phils.
'Scared of me? What did I do wrong? Did I hurt someone? ' Phil started to sweat and his getting nervous about it until he heard a ringing sound in his ears, and closed his eyes, when he opened them his standing on a foggy street with a but of the dusts dancing around the blowing air.

He started to walk and saw a damage car as he quickly ran there seeing a person "OH MY GOSH!? ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?  JUSKO! " Phil said as he approach the damage car door, as he took a step and lowered himself down his eyes widened "U-ugh... My head... *Gasp* NADA!?  Are you Alright!? " He saw a country with a broken sunglasses and a country with a red Maple print on it's face, they're both wounded and bruised "America? Canada? Is tha-" Phil got shot on the back by a broken metal, he screamed but there's no blood nor he can't feel any pain,  'Wait.. Am I dreaming? Again? ' he looked behind him and saw a blurry figure, a black figure as it slowly approach the two countries "HEY YOU! STOP! " Phil tried to stop the unknown figure as he walk pass through it "Come here and pay for your crimes America, I ###### will kill like how you killed Katipunan" the black figure grabbed America on the neck "SOMEONE! HELP! " America screamed and struggle as the country tried to get free on the tight grip of the black figure.

"Look who do we have here.... The one who killed my friend.... Katipunan... Right America? " the countries eyes widened as blood starts to come out of the countries mouth for somewhat how the black figure did that "L..... Llannera ACK! No........please..... Spa-... Re.... Me" America said while he stop struggling and fake death for the mean time "NO! AMERICA! " Phil shouted, hoping that the black figure heard him until it turn it's head to him and it grinned widely.

Phil saw the black figure threw the unconscious Country as it approach him, Phil started to back up and start's to get scared and he felt his knee's getting numb from the fear infront of him.

*Author's pov*
Yo what's up? So this story might take long so be patient guys, I have a lots to do Irl so this book might take long and hope you guys still hang on, and sorry if it's too short for you and I should be sleeping jeeze-
1178 words

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