•Chapter Two•

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"Who is he Father? "

"Philip?  Gising na...Nakatulog ka nanaman sa sofa" (Philip? Wake up... You've slept on the couch again)  Philip slowly opened his tired eyes, he was sweating so much and being shocked that he was still alive, his visions were blurry as he see a mans shadow infront of him, an a familiar shadow that reminds him of his 'Father'he then felt a warm touch on the left side of his cheek, his vision started to get clear and once he saw who it was he sighed in relief seeing his father smiling "Phil, you should get up and take a bath while I and Isagani wait for you outside" (Martial law=Isagani) Philip was so shocked and relieved that it was all just a dream, he nodded and smiled back as his father left his cheek while his father stood up patting his head and chuckling for a bit then left.
Philip the sat up on the sofa and does some stretches and yawned while he feel the warmness of the place, he stood up heading to the bathroom where he will take a bath.

•Minutes later•

He finished cleaning himself as he was greeted by the fresh air hitting his soft yet pure red skin and his father waving at him, he felt energetic seeing his father and ran into him giving him a big hug as he opened his arms jumping to his father, his father lift him up while they giggled and hugged each other, they we're so happy and his mother Perla's joined too while his mother grabbed his grumpy opposite brother to join the hug.

The hugged last like for a seconds "Ugh.. Stop squishing me! " Isagani said in a mad tone so all of them parted and says their good days at each other while the father left with his son Philip, his father lift him up and made him ride his shoulders "Do you know where we are visiting Phil? " KKK said,giving a question to Philip, he then thinks "Hah!  Are we going to kuya Del Pillar? " Philip said clueless but his father shooked his head "Nope" his father responded back as he kept walking carrying his light son and Philip starting to guess but everytime he guess he was wrong.
They got into a road where all carriages with fancy horses wandering around and picking some passengers up, Philip's expression looked so surprised seeing the beauty of their country, Him and his father got into a carriage too,  Philip was excited for everything and he saw a lot of new things making him more amazed and started to make some usual kid noises until he fell asleep.

Philip startled when he got shaked by his father gently waking him up and telling him that they are at their destination, his father paid as the both of them got out of the carriage holding hands, Phil looked around the big white mansion with open windows and yellow like brown lights, he looked at everything but something caught his eyes, he saw 'Black flags of K on the lefr side with a skull on the right side and the color of the flag is black but the print is white' it's like a pirates flag and he was curios about those flag seeing the same just like his fathers,  he didn't realize that they've walked near the door and Philip looked up at his father "Dad?  Where are we? " Philip said as he gripped the ends of his fathers cloth and his father looked down at him smiling "We're at Nueva Ecija Son" philip raised a brow not hearing this country or town "Nueva Ecija?  And What are we doing here? " KKK was about to speak when he was cut off by the sound of the door opening. Philip startled and hide behind his father and gripped into the ends of the ends of his fathers cloth. "Si isay ining mga taong inio at ang aga-aga akong pinukaw" (Who are this people and it's early in the morning and why did they wake me up)  KKK heard the voice inside of the door and back's up until "Oh!  Ika pala,Ma-ayong aga sa indung duwa at kamo ay pumasok" (Oh! It's you, Goodmorning and the two of you may come in)  The man said with a blacked eyepatch on his left eye with a skull print on it. His father entered while Philip never leave his spot, when they entered they heard to door shut behind them locking it "It's a pleasure to see you again Kati" The man behind them walked and stopped infront of the two looking at their faces in a cold expression.

Philip looked at the scary man infront of them taking a small glance, he felt scared to his presence and wants to hide forever "I'm sorry that me and Perlas stopped visiting you, we were so busy and I know you are too" his father and the man both chuckled as he grabbed his father's shoulder "I understand and I hope you'll bring your whole family next time" Kati nodded and get tapped on the shoulders by the man infront until the three of them heard a ring "Oh I guess that's my call, What if the two of you just walk around in this place while I'm on phone so that you guys are comfortable at this atmosphere alright? " the man looked at phil 'Oh no!  He noticed me! ' Phil said through his mind, looking back at the man who patted his head, it send relief in him for some reason. The man left, leaving a sound of his military shoes and heading to his Office while Phil looked up at his father "Who is he father?" he said at his father with a shy tone.

Well that's all folks!  And wait for the Third chapter to come!  Who is this man actually?  Well let's see on the next chapter!
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