•Chapter 6•

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"The consequences"

Phil tripped backwards as he keep on looking at the black figure as it was near him "Hmm.... I can't believe this... Why do I look so... Pure.. " the black figure said in a deep tone as this black figure looked at Phil "Y-you can see me? " the filipino said in a stuttering voice as he was scared on what will the black figure will do to him.

The figure nodded as it smirked looking at the right direction and back at Phil while his vision started to get clear and his jaw dropped seeing Llanera infront of him "Guess who'll get to the hospital for months" Llanera chuckled as he took a step back and bowed at Phil "We will meet again, if you need me just crush the skull" and then the man faded away.

"H-hospital!? Months!  WAIT! " Phil said as he tried to grab on the fading man but it was too late "OVER THERE! THE ONE WHO NEARLY KILLED THE FOUR COUNTRIES! GET HIM! " the crowd said in range as they're weapons raise up and charges at Phil, Phil was shock as he quickly stood up "W-WAIT! PLEASE! DON'T KILL ME! "

The mad crowd quickly runs to him as he can't control his movements "w-what!? What's happening! Why am I moving!? " he started to search for a mirror but he can't change route, as his body move by it self he saw a huge broken mirror and his eye widened and he felt like the world stop as he look at himself on the far broken glass where it reflects his image.

'So... His me... But how... How did this started how!? ' Phil felt himself being pinned down as he looked infront of him until he got full control of his body again, adrenaline rushes as he dodges the punches, stabs and kicks "NO STOP! GET OFF MY NIECE PEOPLE!! " Someone shouted as his eyes widened and he knew who's voice was it, it's so familiar  as he screamed in pain that someone jab a knife in him "K-KUYA DEL! HELP ME! "

And then his face got kicked hard then everything get blurry as he started to hear the hearing sound, he coughed blood while the others keep on beating him up, he can feel the world getting in slow motion as he was beaten up until the kicks made some loud sounds and then he passed out.

"Phil? Bro? Are you still there?  Heeyyyy" Martial wave his right hand at Phil's face as the boy startled "K-kuya oh w-what's wrong?? " Phil was out of his trance and looked around the place then sighed in relief "I thought you where actually in coma or something" gani said as he placed the medicine for Phil to take "K-kuya where's Kuya Del? " Phil asked.

"His busy right now and he told me that you need to take your pills in and I'll come with you to school tomorrow" Gani said while grabbing the glass of water and the pill, he give it to Phil "Oh... Yeah school... "

Phil took the medicine in and drunk the glass of water as he sighed deeply and smiled at his brother while his bro smiled back as well.

"Oh I gtg cook something like Bihon or Champo rado" Gani said while giving a gentle pat on his lil bro and smiled while standing up "Call me if you need something okay? " Philip nodded as he watch his big bro leave, he looked at his phone and grabbed it.

He opened it and started to play games while his waiting for his brother to finish the snacks because it's afternoon, and yes Filipinos do like to have some snacks to fill their hungry tummy and it's not traditional it's a habbit.

Sorry if it's too short and I'm starting to loose Ideas-You guys can comment if you want me to add some scenes you want or some questions, and I'm sorry if the update is faintly active, I'm busy Irl soo you guys gotta wait ^^"
686 words

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