•Chapter Three•

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"You're my... Uncle!? "

Philip didn't left his spot, he really wants to get close to his Father and he started shaking seeing some deer heads and some of the mans flag all over the place.

The atmosphere of the mans house was so cold and it looks like his using air-conditioned appliances at his place but no air-condition exist to this time, it was cold inside because of the tree's giving a chilly cold air inside of the mans opened w...

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The atmosphere of the mans house was so cold and it looks like his using air-conditioned appliances at his place but no air-condition exist to this time, it was cold inside because of the tree's giving a chilly cold air inside of the mans opened window, Kati looked at phil smirking and chuckling for a bit "Phil let go of my shirt, I know that you're not comfortable about this place but you'll get used to it,don't worry his a good man phil" His father chuckled and patted Phil's head, slowly letting go and starting to look around 'I guess this place is not bad after all' he shrugged and looked at his Dad smiling "Anak I'll go for a second I just remembered that I need to go back, don't worry he'll bring you home" his father said then patted his head "But papa bakit?" (Why?)  his father then respond to him with his raising brow "Remember? No children allowed in our meeting place right?" 'Ohhhhh' that's what Phil's mind said and he nodded "Alright anak be a good boy ha?  And behave okay? " Phil nodded and ran to KKK giving him a hug while KKK kneeled down kissing his sons forehead and squishing his cheek as he left the boy all alone but no he is not.

Few minutes later•

Phil was walking around the yet comfortable house for himself as his slippers as it touches the well waxed floor(And yes here in Philippines we wax the floor if it's too hard) he saw a light where it leads to a dark area 'Should I?...' curiosity started to crawl up his mind that he wanted to go there but some thoughts came back inside of his mind that he needs to be behave and be a good boy but he didn't. He took step forward and slowly walking towards the open room as he heard a muffled voice as long as he get near to it "Ugh... Why does this day have to be the worst one!  Ugh! DEP*GAL!" Philip started to peek inside on what is the man doing "HOW MANY TIME'S DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU!  TO BACK UP NOT TO RISK OUR SOLDIERS LIVES! " Philip started to listen on the conversation of the man and now his being a disobeyed boy, he felt guilty so he looked at the wall infront of him 'Should I listen again or should I leave?  No if I leave Spain will abduct me' he sighed silently and shooked his head "Alright, the borders are still protected?  No one died? Thanks Officer" Philip was lost on his thoughts until he noticed that the conversation was over, he then heard a loud stomp on the floor that made him startle and screamed shortly "AH!" it send shiver down him and he can feel his legs shaking as he quickly looked behind him and walking forward, hitting someone's chest "Oof-" he then looked up seeing the man infront of him, looking scared cause of the dead expression on his face as the man stared at him deeply 'Shemay I'm dead I'm dead I'm deadd!! '  he then felt a hand on his shoulder and that made him startled again, he then looked down "S-sorry p-po.. Forgive me... " he said in a shaky tone "Phil....... " The voice was so strict that he might get a punishment until he felt a soft hand grabbing his chin up "Phil..... " another strict tone as he see the skull print on his left eye patch glows, he wanted to scream but somehow he can't, Cause of nervousness he felt his tounge shut and can't even speak a word, until "Sir Llanera meron po tayong problema-"(Sir Llanera we have a problem-) The man who were named Llanera dropped Phil on the side and he stood furiously,gaining a choke on his fellow soldier for the cause of the problems "Problem?" Llanera said in a questionable tone and his soldier nodded scaredly "Y-yes general". Llanera tapped the ends of his shoe and "FIX THAT PROBLEM OR YOU WILL NEVER SEE THE LIGHT AGAIN. " he said in a deep tone where Phil and the soldier shivered on the thing that they heard scaredly,  the soldier nodded and quickly ran out of the scene shaking his hands out, Llanera watched the scared soldier leave "Follow me.. " Llanera said to Phil when the soldier left and he started to walk leaving Phil "W-wait! " he then followed Llanera at his back, he noticed that the place slowly turned into a lighter one, he looked back at the dark place and infront of him, he sighed in relief leaving that uncomfortable zone.

•Few seconds later•

They stopped into a white door and Phil wanted to ask 'What are we doing here? ' he tilted his head as he see Llanera glances on him at the left side "I know what you are thinking Phil" Llanera opened the white door and phil saw some colorful dim lights inside, his eyes widened as his jaw dropped in excitement and looked at Llanera "Uh.. So your name is L-llanera right? " he tried not to stutter and he was curios about this man "If you want to know more about me, let's not talk here, let's talk inside" Llanera entered the beautiful childish like room and phil entered as well,  he felt so warm and welcomed on the room for seeing such colorful things, a multi colored banners and some mid lights, the wall was white but made in wood of course painting it white, Phil found some comfortable chair and sits there, he looked around more seeing some toys that Him amd his brother wants to buy as he heard a lock on the door "Soo uh What are we doing here po?  Sir Llanera? " Llanera looked at phil as he slowly grabbed a book and drags a chair then placing it infront of him as he was looking at him face to face, Llanera took off his hat and hangs it on a stand then looks at Phil in a serious face. Phil was scared but he don't want to be scared, he don't know what will Llanera will do to him unless the strange man will make a move until he hears a tired sigh that made him startle for a bit "Finally!. Some peace! " *sighs* "You don't know me phil? " the man looked at him raising a brow with a bit of a smile on him, he shooked his head "I never heard of you p-po" he laughed awkwardly "Oh well let me Introduce myself" the man stood up and bowed a little "I'm Llanera's skull and I am the part of a KKK group where I protect the city of Nueva Ecija" he then sat back down and leaned his back at the chair, Phil is still clueless "So Phil, what do you want your uncle to do? " Llanera said as phil thinked "Oh!  Let's play with some toys or comic-" phil stopped "U-uncle?? " Llanera looked at Phil and nodded "W-WHAT!??....y-you're my... UNCLE!!?" Phil was freaked out and he was shocked "I know Nephew and you're the lucky one" Llanera stood up and grabbed some action figure toys and some famous comics as he give it to Phil, phil is still in shock and grabs the action figures and the comics 'I can't believe it-' he then felt a hand on his shoulder "Would you like me to read with the comics since I miss reading them and I'll buy you anything if you don't mind" Phil was still shocked "R-REALLY!?? " he was hype and felt that his dreams came true "Jeez, why did KKK your father didn't tell about me.. *sighs* I guess he was too busy", Phil hugged Llanera's arm "SALAMAT PO! " (Thank you!) Llanera chuckled and patted his head, they now started to talk and went out of the house to buy the kids want and his brother too, they had fun all day 'Guess Uncle is not bad afterall' Phil giggled as he was riding Llanera's shoulder as they looked at the open stores and it was fun.

Thanks for reading the other chapter!  And I'm working on Chapter Four!  Yay :D
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