•Chapter 13•

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"Under Control... "

Phil's POV
He started with his footsteps, leaving the place without saying goodbye to his classmates 'What's happening...? ' he asked himself, he wondered why his leaving, he wondered where will his foot steps drag him.

He wondered why he can't control himself, feeling that his body was moving by it's own, his vision keeps on failing his view, sometimes black sometimes not,vice-versa , a lot of concerned countries wanted to question him on where will he go.

In conclusion, he was now Under Control, it was too late for him to realize as he walked further from the party all by him self, 'W-where... Am I going? ' He questioned himself again.

Until he made it...no until They made it to his home, no one knows how they got there but it was easy for them 'W-WHY AM I HERE!? PLEASE STOP! WHO EVER YOU ARE! ' phil begged, he can only watch but he cannot interfere.

The voice inside his mind wasn't speaking back, his hand grabbed a sharp object as his fingers touched the cold metal of it. A knife, he panicked, he wanted to throw it off away from him, his dreams, those nightmares.

Where all of it was TRUE he was the one who nearly ended America but he wasn't, someone inside him was controlling him... He wanted this to end, he wished that this was only a dream.

His body stopped infront of a mirror, they looked like they where staring at their own reflection, the more he stayed infront of the mirror the more it gets clearer. He heard faint mumbles, he saw their jaw move..

It wasn't him speaking, it was them inside him "Let go of Phil now-... UGH! How many times-.....Never! As long as I-..... Inally have my-.... EngE! I will let him Go KALAYAAN... " ah yes, talking to himself at a shadow.

Why does he need revenge? Why they weren't still moving? No... No.. They're waiting for his brothers to arrive... "Did you know that it'll damage the teens memory if you use him again? " A voice calmly said.

It was still KALAYAAN, buying their time to think twice "I know you're angered by Del Pilar... I know he snitched on you and your friend..
I've know what you've been through Llanera... I understand your anger .. Please leave them alone, you have done a lot of damage! You've damaged his reputation! You've damaged his relationship with his close friends! " Phil heard everything...

'So... Uncle Llanera did really killed papa... I thought... His.... His a good person... I... I was wrong.... ' He felt like he wanted to cry, He trusted him that he thought he'll bring good to their family! But he was wrong.

"I thought you wanted to keep that a secret... It looks like he heard everything you said KALAYAAN... " they smirked "It's about time to let him know... But behind it... You don't really care about your friend...you cared to have a more higher position! , but you where betrayed,by your trustful friend..and-"

KALAYAAN seems to be teasing Llanera's mind, making him confused on every decision he should make


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