•Chapter 10•

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"Everyone is lonely sometimes.. "

It's been a month and Philip thought if he wants to go to the formal Christmas party, he sighed while he grabbed his phone, he was laying on his bed alone, "I wish I could just escape reality and build my own world.. " he said while he stare at his old pictures with the other countries.

He felt tears pricking his eyes, he wiped it off before it fall, he closed his phone and he sat up while he sighed heavily, he looked at the closet to see his clothes for the party, he got up and he walked near the closet grabbing the tuxedo.

He looked at it for a second and he opened the closet placing it back inside 'If I wear that... They'll think that I'm being a jerk.. Well... I don't really want to look like a show off jerk.. ' Phil sighed, he started to search for a jacket and yes he found colorful ones.

He sighed irritatedly and the colours somewhat makes his eyes hurt, he saw a black jacket and some jogging pants he grabbed it and he started to change, he looked at the tuxedo one more time and he sighed, he grabbed it.

Minutes later he was ready, he got out to see his brothers getting ready as well "Phil? Why aren't you wearing your tux? " Del pillar said while he fixes his brother's necktie, Phil unzipped his jacket to show the tux "Ohh okay then, I think everyone's ready, let's go"

Philip stayed silent and he just followed them,few minute's later they where at the party, Philip walked around the dark corners so that he couldn't be notice, he saw America and he wanted to walk up to him, apologize and hug him, but he can't.

He was a trash, everyone at this school hates him, even his closes friends hated him, or they where scared of him, he left his brothers side so that they can enjoy the party themselves, he made it to the long table with a lots of food, he starter to grab some so that he won't come back later.

He got outside the party seeing no-one in the field and yes the party was at the large basketball court, he sat down on the stairs and starts eating his food, he knew that his brothers have gifts except him, he doesn't have any.

He was sitting down on a dark corner until his shadow moved, he startled a little and some of the food spread on the ground "Kamusta Philip" (How are you Philip) Philip sighed in relief, he thought his nightmares where hunting him.

It's just his other side, well the smart one, who likes to give him advices "O-oh... You nearly scared me to death Kalayaan.." He chuckled nervously while he munched on his food again, Kalayaan is being a good adviser to Philip and to it's people when they're out of hand.

His a whisper to their ears, telling them something that they need to know, things that are relieving and sometimes so truthful, Kalayaan chuckled (Freedom) "Oh my Philip, What are you doing here? You're supposed to be inside, enjoying your young days.... Oh... I understand... Silents speaks...it has more stronger words... They don't want you there hm? "

Kalayaan was right, Philip just went silent and nodded "Because of that evil monster inside you... Wanting to go back to life even in the past that it's dead... I can protect you but with words, and with strong dignity and justice... Philip.. I will watch over you." the shadow then slowly disappeared.

Philip smiled a little and when his great best friend left him, his smile turn into a frown, he munched on the food and he realize that he was already finished and then he drink his juice.

He started to hear voices again, the voice that he heard months ago "No no no.... Leave me alone! Please... I.. I don't want you to conquer my mind again! I will never let you conquer me! " he said outloud, he didn't care if the inside who where partying can hear him but he covered his ears with his hands.

He ran away and he ended up going to the garden, he kept hearing the voices, tears started to form in his eyes, he huffed and kneeled down sobbing, it pained him so much, he closes his eyes and he focused to catch his breath.

And he tried to relax 'Okay Phil... You won't do anything... Bad... Disastrous... Or more worse than that... Just... Relax... And ignore the voice.. ' Philip breathed in and out until he felt fine, he heaved his chest deeply and he glanced around the place, it was so colorful, the flowers where so beautiful.

The voices in his head stopped, he sighed in Relief helding his chest with his left hand, he saw a bench near by so he walked there and sat down 'It's just a party anyways... I'll come back when night time comes... ' he looked at the sky watching the colors go darker.

It made him feel peaceful, not disturbed by any horrors. Thank God his ancestors are helping him, the one who was inside him won't stand a chance to all his ancestors, he layed on the bench and he closed his eyes gently.

899 words

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