•Chapter 11•

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"Invisible... "

Phil then woke up from his little nap, he looked around again sighing in relief that he was still on the garden, he shifted his hand down grabbing his phone inside "What the..... " he gasp and felt panic run through his veins.

He quickly got up looking for his phone in panic, his phone was his only friend to escape the real world until he felt his vision getting dark and blurry, he calmed himself down by grabbing onto the Wooden bench for support.

While he breaths anxiously, he blinked a few times but he felt his world move. Like in the movies where your world moves while everything you hear where in a slow motion sound, that it can hurt your ears and make you more afraid.

He quickly got up feeling his movements slows down and fast as he tried to maintain his calmness, he walked in a drunk way and he sometimes nearly tripped down until he got back to the party... The lights where somewhat blurrying him.

His breath hitched and he tried to find his phone, until he saw it's glow, he got there making the other countries eyes on him "Is he alright? " some of the countries where worried but he didn't care, he managed to made it to his phone until it turned back normal again.

"Hey Phil are you alrigh-" Phil groaned and he looked behind him to see the American worried for him "I'm....I'm fine.. " he started to escape again but America grabbed his arm "Phil... I already forgave you and your brothers and I had talked about your condition... Your not fine Phil I can see that"

America sighed in concern and Phil felt himself boil in anger, he didn't know why but he aggressively held his hand back to him "I said I'm fine! " America's eyes widened and he sighed until Phil started to run again.

America's POV

"PHIL WAIT!" I quickly followed Phil and I was so shock why his acting like this, I quickly grabbed my phone and I dialed his brothers to come here, What have I done to Phil? Did he already knew?

I tried to chase him down as soon as possible, he might do something bad again, I know it wasn't him.. Until the both of us stopped and me cornering him "Phil look.. Let's talk-"

I heard him chuckle, my forehead slowly furrowed at this feeling, confused, afraid and I already felt myself sweating "Talk?....you thought I didn't know America? " he slowly faced me seeing him glitch.

"W-what is it that you didn't knew?" I asked trying to calm things down hearing him chuckle again "I guess you already forgot about it....using me? Using my country to be a BASE? A SHIELD? You made us look like a fool! "

"W-what are you talking about Phil? That's-" I startled when he made this strange motions like he wasn't the Phil I knew anymore "Nonsense? I know you too well America... You made us Asians fight each other!!.... And you America... You took advantages to leave us... "

I was shock hearing those words came out of his mouth,  All of it was true.... I made them look stupid for doing something that'll hurt them when they found out about the truth, I tried walking closely to him but he noticed it, he started to back up.

Until his gone infront of my very eyes, gone like a popped bubble "PHIL!??  Where are you!? " I shouted to see where he was and then his two brothers approaches me, grabbing my shoulder and seeing them breathless from running in panic "W-where's our little b-bro... *pant*"

I stood there wide eyed, clueless and scared at the same time "His.... Gone... "

695 words
my apologies for not updating the book every day, I am super busy with real life works and I hope y'all understand... I love you all! And thank you so much for waiting! I don't deserve y'all patience :'))) any request to make the story intresting? Just comment! And I'll add it if it's a great idea! Thank you for tuning in! :'D

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