•Chapter 9•

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"Old friend"

Philip woke up with bandages and his wounds patched up, he sat down on the side of the bed adjusting to the shine of the light, he started to cry 'W-why did I do that!? Why....' He sniffed up and wiped his tears.

Philip felt a hug, a cold one, he looked up to where it's from and it was his ninong (Like his close family?) his dead ninong hugging him, it was just only his ghost, he hugged back and cried.

"It's okay Phil, Tatay Luna is here for you" Luna said as they tried to comfort Phil, His name is Heneral Luna (General Luna)  Or Luna for short, He loves kids and specially Phil.

"His inside you Phil" Luna added, Phil sighed shakily "W-who's inside me and why won't He leave me be? " Philip whispered, the ghost of his ninong sighed and he caressed his back "Do not worry I will try to talk to him... His a danger... A threat to everyone... One by one your ancestors will awaken because of his destruction...we will try to protect your people, everyone you love and you care about"

Phil sniffed up and he kept listening to his Ninongs words of promises, it always came true... Well.. When he was alive but... -

"Take some rest my child, I will come back or posses one of your brothers even if it'll send me to hell.... Just to make your life better.. " Luna kissed Phil's forehead while the cold touch made him fall asleep again.

"Do you think our ancestors are getting disturbed? Martial? I'm starting to get goosebumps in me.... What if they posses one of us? " Del pillar said while he holds Phil's favorite food, and yes, Del and Martial where out gathering some of Phil's food and they thought it might help his mind ease up from the things had happened.

I'll continue this story if I have time and yeah I need to think for new words and new stories UwU
Sorry qwq
356 words

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