•Chapter 7•

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"Back to school.. "

Phil's Pov

I sighed while I looked at the alarm clock, it's rare for me to wake up earlier than my alarm clock and it was 6:30 in the morning,  I'm starting to feel nervous because I feel that something bad is gonna happened to me.

I startled as my alarm clock produced an alarming noise, I turned it off and got up to my bed 'What am I even doing here? ' I thought to myself, I was ready and I came back here but I don't know if I forgot something to bring "Phil? Bro are you ready? Did you forget some things to bring? "

Isagani said, I shooked my head and grabbed my backpack "Everything's inside Kuya, don't worry-" I was cut off by Gani (Isagani xD)  again "Oh your meds!?  Did you brought some of them? "  I sighed and nodded.

We started to walk out of the house seeing my other bro, Del Pillar, we got in the car and he started to drive, his seems stressed and I don't want to talk to him. I don't know why but I always do that.. I should be the loudest sibling here since I'm the youngest.. Yeah they even call me sunshine because I always smile and I'm so energetic they say.

But I feel tired on doing that I guess.. I don't feel like being me again.. Just for today, The car finally stopped and it was a really silent car ride, I get out of the car and Gani followed by "Is something wrong Phil? You look.. Like not yourself?" Gani said in a worried tone.

"N-no Gani.. Haha I'm fine... I'm just building my energy up for some Happy fun time! To happen! " I said with a energetic tone where it's starting to drain me, I don't know why, I smiled at my bro and he smiled back.

We entered our school and it seems that we where late so Gani brought me to my classroom "I'll explain to the teacher why you're absent and"  He started to talk but I didn't listen, I looked around the classroom seeing the Asean countries, My bro is taking military classes so we don't have the same classes.

When I get inside of my class, all eyes where on me, some student started to whisper things to their seatmates "That's the kid I was talking about" "don't get near him, he'll kill us all" I don't know why I they're acting like this to me, when I got to the bottom seat every student who where sitting there quickly left and the sat down on the front seats.

I feel like all of them are scared of me but why? Did I do something wrong? "Phil! " I looked behind me and saw Thailand, He was waving and smiling at me 'I'm glad that there's still someone who wants to talk to me'  I smiled back at Thai as I sat down and drop my bag gently to the side of my desk.

"I missed you Phil! Where have you been!? And why are you covered with bandages! Oh no no no what happened!!?" Thai whispered as he sat down beside me "I...I was on an accident.. And I didn't remember anything" I whispered back, I wanted to tell him that 'This? Oh I just did something bad and horrible that's why I got this wounds' or 'I don't know what happened to me' but I don't want to tell him those things.

He might get suspicious about me and I don't want to loose him "Why's everyone looking at me Thai? " I whispered gently at him "They said that you did something horrible like you nearly ended someone, like you snap! " He said with a little bit loud tone at the end of his sentence 'I.. I snapped? But how?' I thought to myself, I just nodded and looked infront of me.

I want to know what happened and I felt like I'll be ignored by everyone, well I don't care much because I want to know what happened, why did I snapped and who made me snap? Who put me over the edge that I nearly ended someone's lifes?

The class started and the teacher seemed to understand why I was absent for meerly months? I dunno. Until someone started to throw paper planes at me, I looked back seeing North korea doing that, I sighed and he chuckled "What? Freak" and then the group of North korea on where he was sitting laughed.

Wow they're bullying me now? The teacher was busy on something and trouble was cooking, I gripped my two hands and he was saying mean things about me while Thai started to stop him until I heard a thud.

I looked where it was and it was Thai, Rage started to built up inside me but how!!? How can that be fast!?  I stood up and quickly helped Thai Up "Are you alright!??" I said to him while I help him up to get back to our sits.

"Tsk. We'll meet after recess Freak" North kicked my table but not that hard, the teacher didn't notice and I was really mad but I looked at Thai back "Phil I'm fine.. Don't worry" Thai smiled at me 'Tsk I'll be really meeting North after recess and I'll make sure he'll pay'.. I nodded and saw the teacher started to speak again.
'No Phil what are you thinking! Don't be so mad about this small problem! You can just tell your teacher and he'll get detention!' I thought to myself and yes I should do that but the other part of me really wants to beat the shit out of North, his being a jerk to me since I came here.. And since the incident.. It got worst.

I heard the bell ring and finally it's recess, I can just ran out of here and hide behind the bathroom stalls or run to Gani! Sigh.. Nevermind.. I'm too weak I know.. "Phil? Are you coming?" Thai smiled and I was back to reality as I just nodded.

We both walked up to the cafeteria seeing students throwing food at each other and then the guards came stopping them "Wow what a mess" Thai mumbled and we watched the scene to go down, sure that they'll get detention.

Sooo what do you guys think? I don't know what's happening to the story and sorry if my grammar is so so bad! I'm still learning English *WHEEZE*
Next chapter will be ze bad ass Phil coming.
1110 words

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