•Chapter 8•

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"Canteen fight"

Philip and Thai sat down there in dead silence, it was all awkward, as the noise coming from the other side of the cafeteria kept on.

Thai broke the silence "Are you going to eat that or not? " Thai chuckled as Phil came back to his trance, stuttering "H-huh? Oh Uh yeah sure.. " Phil took a bite in the sandwich "Phil you seem a bit off I notice" Thai said in a worried tone.

"M-me?  Oh I'm really sorry.. I'm just not in the mood I guess" Phil looked at Thai Coldly and saw him nodded while gulping a bit, He then drunk some water in since his not in the mood for sweets like He do always.

When the water bottle was empty, a object hitted Phil's head,  he groaned angrily and rubbed the part where he where hurt "Oops! I didn't mean to throw that directly  to you" that voice was familiar for him, it was North.
He greeted his teeth and calmed himself standing up "Look North I don't want to cause-" a member of North's group pushed him while they kill their eyes on him.

Phil fell down the floor and he was shock "I told you, We'll meet in the canteen,  but I decided" two country grabbed Phil's arms up as he tried to struggle while Thai tried to help Phil, the other countries where blocking Thai so he can't help.

"That I'll end you here, murderer" Phil's eyes widened and let out a gasp hearing this 'murderer' word,  'D-did I really killed someone? Am I a monster?' questions starts filling inside his mind, he didn't notice that a country was in front of him while he stared on nothingness.

North threw a punch to Phil's stomach hardly as Phil felt the pain badly, he gasped and closed his eyes tightly, one by one a powerful punch came in as his vision started to blur, hearing a lot of shouts and screams from the crowd surrounding them.

Phil was really getting knocked out, another punch he fell to the ground then started to cough blood out, the group surrounded him then started the stomping, kicking and hitting the canteen trays at him.

No one was helping him, everyone was just shouting "FIGHT! FIGHT!" so loudly and Thai was dragged out of the canteen so he can't help Phil getting beaten up.

Phil was shaking as more bruises came, North's plan was a success, he was enjoying this, too much, because of his huge group they locked all the canteen doors so that there will be no disturbance.

Phil felt everything in a slow motion, as he felt this long ringing sound inside his ears, he covered it as he was still being beaten up, he wasn't crying he was just letting them hurt him.

" Fight back! You asshole!!" North shouted as he kept kicking the poor country until they where bored, they stopped beating him, Phil was covered with bruises, gashes and wounds,  he was shaking badly "Tsk weakling,  doesn't even bother to fight back"

North snickered as he made a sign to his group to leave, the crowd watches North to leave but then they heard a cough, they looked back seeing Phil standing up weakly, his injured body shaking violently as he stood up.

North raise a brow and chuckled darkly "Want another round? It looks like you didn't learnt your lesson" North signaled his group to beat Phil up for the second time.

When one country was about to throw a punch, Phil dodges it quickly, all of them was shock on what he just did.

And then another one and the next one and so on, he kept dodging as Phil hit the canteen table with a tray on it, he grabbed it then damaged the head of the enemy.

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