Birthday Events

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Amber woke up to the sound of her mother singing while baking a cake for her two children. It was hard celebrating their birthday this year, it would be the first year celebrating it without their father. But that didn't keep Amber's mother from keeping things as close to normal as possible, she invited their closest neighbors and family friends to come over and join them in the celebration. Putting on her favorite blue and white polka dot dress, Amber rushed over to her brother's room only to stop outside the door to see him gloomily staring at himself in the mirror. Every year Steve wished for the same thing, Amber knew how he felt about being the smallest, he hated it, it made him feel weak and useless even though he had the biggest heart out of anyone. Every year Steve wished that by some miracle he would physically change, "Steve?" Amber called out knocking on the door startling her twin brother. "The guest are here and ma wants us downstairs. Are you ready?" she politely asked, Steve sighed before taking one last look in the mirror before turning to his sister and walking downstairs to greet their guest.

After talking to their family friends for a while, Amber noticed that her brother was no longer in the house. He's probably off playing hero again, Amber thought. Debating about whether or not to go after him, Amber was pulled in another direction by some of her own friends. Passing the open front door, Amber noticed her brother and Bucky walking up towards the house. "Steve! Bucky!" she shouted grabbing their attention, Amber pulled her brother into a hug. "Where were you? I thought you got into another fight" she said as she pulled back, "No I went to go get Bucky" Steve said, turning to her long time crush Amber opened her arms for a hug making Bucky smile. His arms went around her waist as she stood on her tippy toes to wrap her arms around his neck, "I thought you weren't going to make it" she said as she pulled back from her embrace with Bucky. "Why would you think such a thing?" Bucky curiously asked, "I thought you had to pull Steve out of another garbage can" she joked sending her brother a playful wink. Bucky laughed as he wrapped an arm around Steve and ruffled his hair, "Nope not this time" he replied. "Besides, we wouldn't want to miss the cake" Bucky added with a wink has he walked over to the dessert table, "James!" Mrs Rogers scolded as he swiped some of the frosting with his finger, Amber laughed and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I'll keep him outta trouble ma" she promised, "We're cutting the cake in a few moments. Do not let him eat the frosting!" her mother shouted as she went to grab something else from the kitchen. Bucky walked off with Steve as they went and talked to some of the other guest in the house, glancing over her shoulder Amber blushed a bright red seeing Bucky already looking in her direction, sending her a playful wink Amber quickly turned around focusing on the story her other friend was telling her. This went on for a few moments before Bucky excused himself and walk over to Amber, "Birthday girl" he greeted making Amber roll her eyes. "I have something for you" he said as he pulled a small box out form his coat pocket, "I thought I told you I didn't want anything" Bucky shrugged his shoulders as Amber took the box, "I know, but I saw it and thought of you" he sweetly told her. Tearing off the neat wrapping, Amber curiously opened the box and nearly dropped it. "Oh Bucky..." she trailed off not having the words to describe the beauty of her gift. "D-Do you like it?" he nervously asked, "I love it! This must've cost you an arm and a leg!" Amber gushed, Bucky watched as she studied the necklace, her fingers tracing over to delicate pearls. "Could you help me put it on? Please?" nodding his head Bucky took the necklace from her hands and draped it around her neck, clasping it in the back letting his hands linger on her shoulders. Turning around Amber leaned up and sweetly kissed Bucky's cheek, "Thank you for the gift" 

As Amber helped her mother hand out cake, she noticed that her brother had slipped out of the house unnoticed. "Dammit!" she growled setting down the cake she had grabbed for Steve. "Amber! Language!" her mother hissed before handing out some more cake. "Amber? What is it?" Bucky asked noticing her changed expression, "Steve's gone" she told him, Bucky sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. "I'll go find him, you stay here" he instructed, "As if I would stay here." she scoffed, "He's my brother" she added. "Amber it's dangerous when it's dark out, please stay here" Bucky pleaded, but Amber didn't listen instead she grabbed her coat and put it on. "I'm safe with you. Now let's go find him before my ma sees he's gone"

The only light the streets had were the large street lamps that gave a dim glow. Amber had her arm linked with Bucky's as they continued to walk in search for her brother. "Do you think he went home? Maybe we should go back and check?" Amber suggested not wanting Bucky to know that she was scared, "It's not like Steve" Bucky said but he noticed that Amber kept glancing around wondering if something was going to jump out at them. "Are you scared?" he teased, "No of course not" she lied, as soon as the words slipped past her mouth a large noise came from the dumpster in the nearest alley, "Ah!" she squealed clinging closer to Bucky. "Relax Amber, it's only a cat" he laughed making her turn a shade of pink, "Shut up" she grumbled. "It was cute" rolling her eyes Amber noticed a small figure walking further up ahead, squinting her eyes she realized that it was in fact her brother. "Steve!" she yelled, letting go of Bucky's arm, Amber ran as fast as she could and tackled her brother in a hug almost knocking him down. "Amber? Bucky? What are you guys doing out here?" Steve asked, "Us? What about you?" Bucky retorted, "We were worried about you! Oh gosh, are you hurt?" Amber panicked seeing a drip of blood roll from her brother's lips. "I'm fine" Steve dismissed but in truth he had gotten the crap kicked out of him, he could feel his frail body already bruising and the crack in his lip was moist with blood. "Come on we better get going before your ma calls the police... again" Bucky told them, linking one arm with Bucky and the other with Steve the three walked back home. 

By the time the three of them had walked all the way back to the Roger house, everyone had left the celebration leaving Mrs Rogers to pace outside and wait for her children to return. "Oh my... where have you three been? Do you know how late it is?" she scolded, even though Bucky wasn't her son, he was family. "Sorry" they apologized simultaneously. "You young man need to stop seeking out fights" Mrs Rogers reached out and grabbed Steve by his ear and pulled him into the house scolding him for his actions, though she was proud of his big heart she was scared he'd one day take it too far. "I should go inside, thank you so much for everything this evening" Amber gratefully said. Now or never, Bucky thought to himself as he reached out and gently grabbed Amber's wrist, "Bucky? Did you need something else?" Amber curiously asked, Bucky stuttered for a few moments making him more adorable than Amber already thought. "Would you want to go out on a date with me? Say tomorrow night?..." he trailed off, Amber froze wondering if her ears deceived her or if the Bucky Barnes just ask her on a date. "Y-You want to go on a date with me?" she repeated, her eyes still wide in shock. "I really like you Amber, in more of a friendly way" Bucky confessed, "I'll see you tomorrow Mr Barnes" Amber giggled as she walked into her house leaving a very happy Bucky outside.

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