Chapter 1

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"This had better work." Jaina elbows Poe as they walk out of the main control room.

He chuckles pulling her into an alcove. "My plans always work out."

"Not without a few hitches." She pokes him in the chest.

He grabs her hand and holds it close to him. "I can't guarantee the First Order will fall for it. All I can promise is to delay them long enough for you and everyone to have a chance to evacuate."

"I need you to promise me..." She takes a shaky breath. "You have to come back to me. I can't bear losing you too."

Poe kisses the top of her head. "Don't worry, I always come back."

"You've been very lucky, Dameron." Jaina pulls on the lapels of his jumpsuit. "Please stick to the plan. Don't do anything... Heroic."

He laughs. "Where's the fun in that?"

"The fun will happen when you get back." She kisses him seductively.

He groans. "That's more than enough incentive."

General Organa clears her throat. "I'm sorry to interrupt."

Jaina and Poe peel themselves apart flushed with embarrassment.

"Poe, would you mind if I have a word with my daughter?" Leia asks.

"Of course, I've got to get BB-8 and my x-wing ready." Poe smiles and kisses Jaina. "I love you. See you soon."

Once they are alone Leia speaks. "Jaina, my dear, I wanted to check on you. How are you doing?"

Jaina takes a deep breathe, "Well I'm adjusting." She wriggles the fingers on her prosthetic hand. "It kinda makes me feel more connected to Uncle Luke."

Leia smiles taking her daughter's hand. "I remember when Luke got his. He was around your age."

"In a way it's like a weird Skywalker/Jedi rite of passage." Jaina jokes.

Lieutenant Connix appears, "Ma'am we're ready for you."

Leia nods, "I've arranged for you to be on the Raddus with me."

"Thank the Force! I was hoping I wouldn't be stuck on the medical frigate." Jaina grins.

"Kalonia was not happy but I figured you'd want to keep an eye on the action." Leia laughs.

"And Finn?"

"He'll be with us as well." Leia nods, "That took more convincing but I knew you wouldn't leave him."

Jaina hugs her mother, "Thank you."

"Don't get too excited, Kalonia will be with us to monitor you both. So that means no... how did you put it? Nothing heroic." Leia winks.

"I'll do my best." Jaina smiles as she and her mother walk out of the base.



Kylo Ren paces in his quarters. The attack on D'Qar  is happening any second. He feels the light making its way through him.

My mother, my sister... will be dead. Should I reach out to them? Warn them of the attack?

He curses twisting in the opposite direction.

I gave Jaina every opportunity to join me... to turn to the dark side. She deserves her fate. My mother...

A single tear slides down his cheek. He thinks back to his mother's warm smile, her tender words to him when he was overcome with emotions. She never got impatient when he was difficult. Not like his father. Han would be gruff back or would simply run away.

Han... Han Solo. My father... My father is dead.

His mind wonders to the look of shock and heartbreak that spread across Han's face as the lightsaber plunged into his heart. He remembers the coldness that overtook him in that moment. He thought it would last but even now he feels the regret and piercing pain of loss. He gives into the feelings, the shared grief of his mother and sister.

There it is. The light.

He screams out loud smashing anything in his wake. The agony in his heart is too much and he collapses from the weight. Heaving from the exertion and sobs a new resolve clears his mind.

Time to let old things die.

Ren rises wiping the sweat and tears from his face.

My mother...NO, General Organa leads the Resistance. She is a traitor.

He reaches for his mask.

"Let it all die."

The Other Solo - Part II A Shadow of HopeWhere stories live. Discover now