Chapter 2

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Lieutenant Connix frantically yells at Resistance soldiers to abandon the cargo and board the transports. The First Order's attack is imminent. There's not enough room for bodies and cargo.

"We're not clear yet! There's still 30 pallets of cannon shells in C bunker!" Sub-Lieutenant Jones calls as she approaches.

"Forget the ammunition, there's no time. Just get everyone on the transport." She orders.

Both look up at the sky to the booming sound of two Resurgent- class Star Destroyers appearing in the sky.

"Oh no." Connix gasps.

Jones grabs her and they run toward the nearest transport ship. They flag down as many people as possible directing them to the transports.

"They're here!! Drop everything and board NOW!" Connix yells at the entrance of the ship.

Jones runs to the front and orders the pilots to sound the final retreat over the base and alert General Organa.

On the Star Destroyer Finalizer, Captain Peavey turns satisfied to General Hux. "We've caught them in the middle of their evacuation."

Hux too can't help but grin at his luck. "I have my orders from Supreme Leader Snoke himself. This is where we snuff out the resistance once and for all. Tell Captain Canady to prime his Dreadnought. Incinerate their base, destroy their transports and obliterate their fleet."

Within seconds the enormous Fulminatrix, a Mandator IV-Class Siege Dreadnought comes out of hyperspace. Their massive cannons begin to lower and take aim on the planet.

In the bridge pit of the Finalizer a monitor officer eyes an x-wing on her radar screen.

"General, Resistance ship approaching. Guns and shields in attack mode."

Hux hurries to her side, "A single light fighter?" He turns to Captain Peavey for clarity but the man only shrugs, equally as confused.

Outside Poe drops his x-wing to be level with the massive Dreadnought. BB-8 beeps excitedly from the tailseat.

"Happy beeps here, buddy. Come on, we've pulled crazier stunts than this." Poe encourages from the cockpit.

"BB-8 has a point." Jaina teases from the bridge of the Raddus.

"Not you too." Poe whines. "Only positive thoughts, send them out into the force."

Jaina laughs, "That's not how it works but I'll try."

"For the record, Commander Dameron, I'm also with the droid on this one." Leia sighs.

"Thank you for your support, General." Poe says in response.

Leia squeezes her daughter's hand and they share a nervous smile.

Poe takes a deep breath. "Happy beeps."

He flicks his communicator on to hail the enemy ship. "Attention, this is Commander Poe Dameron of the Republic fleet I have an urgent communique for General Hugs."

Jaina smirks at the obvious mispronunciation of Hux's name. Oh I hope He'll hate that.

Irritated but calm Hux walks to the front of the bridge arms behind his back. "Patch him through."

Hux continues his stride around the bridge, "This is General Hux of the First Order. The Republic is no more. Your fleet are Rebel scum and war criminals. Tell your precious princess there will be no terms. There will be no surrender."

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