Chapter 3

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After what seems like hours Rey reaches the summit of the mountain, there dressed in his Jedi robe stands Master Luke Skywalker. He's just as she envisioned, a pillar of wisdom and strength. She reaches into her bag and pulls out the lightsaber that once belonged to him. He too senses her great power and turns to face her. She steps forward and hands him the great weapon.

Luke takes the lightsaber in his hand. It no longer calls to him though. He looks down, it was once a part of him but now its just a piece of metal. He looks at the girl. She's hopeful and radiates immense power. Fear over takes him and he tosses the lightsaber over his shoulder.

Rey confused let's him walk past her. What just happened? Did I do something wrong?

"Master Skywalker?" She follows him down the stairs of the cliff.

Eventually she gives up calling after him as he doesn't answer her. They continue in silence until they reach a small village of stone huts. Rey looks around, the place is well kept but there aren't any villagers around. Luke slams the door to his hut shut.

"Master Skywalker?" Rey entreats. "I'm from the Resistance. Your sister, Leia sent me. We need your help."

No answer.

"Hello?" She taps on the door with her metal staff.

No answer.

She looks around. Maybe he's overwhelmed. I'll give him sometime.



Luke stares at the makeshift door to his hut. He hears Rey's footsteps retreat. He releases the breath he was holding.

Did she say she was sent by Leia? Jaina must have found the map. Why didn't she come herself?

Concerned Luke reaches out to his niece.



Jaina walks toward the hangar bay to meet Poe. They should check on Finn and make sure he's comfortable in his makeshift impromptu medical quarters.


She stops in her tracks.


She breaks into a cold sweat. Who could be reaching out to me? She feels the strong pull of the force. Is it Ben?

Jaina. Don't be afraid.

There's something kind about this call. It's not forceful or aggressive like Ben's normal call.

"Uncle?" She gasps.

Yes Jaina. It's Luke.

Jaina looks around and ducks into a storage closet. She closes her eyes and allows the pull to take over her. Slowly, she hears the sound of waves crashing in the distance. A soft breeze brushes across her face causing her eyes to open.

There her Uncle sits on a cot in a dimly lit stone hut. His Jedi robe is as faded and worn as he is.

"Uncle Luke!" Jaina falls to her knees before him. "Where have you been?"

Luke reaches out and touches her face tenderly. She feels his leathery hand on her cheek and covers it with her own.

"Is your mother..." He swallows deeply. "Is she all right?"

"Yes, Mother is fine. Is Rey there? Did she tell you our situation?"

"So you did send her." He takes his hand away abruptly.

"Yes, of course. We've been searching for you. I would have come myself but certain matters prevented it." Jaina explains. "Rey is strong with the force, she insisted on coming to you. Please help her. Please help us."

Luke stands and walks to the other side of the room. "Why can't you help her? I sense you've become strong as well."

Jaina turns to her Uncle grabbing his arm. He looks down shocked at her mechanical prosthetic.

Jaina release him. "You are the Jedi Master."

Luke looks down at his own metal hand. "Jaina, I can't. You shouldn't have sent her."

"Please..." She pleads. "Don't turn your back on us again. I can't... I can't reach Ben anymore. He ...He is too far into the dark side."

Tears well in her eyes and he can't bear the feelings she's projecting.

"Jaina...I can't." He shakes his head.

"Then teach Rey. She's so powerful. She's just needs guidance."

"NO Jaina!" He yells. "I'm of no use to you... any of you."

She pulls him to face her, "Stop! Stop it! Pull yourself together! We need you! You are the Jedi Master!"

"The Jedi are dead!" He shouts pushing her away from him.

Jaina shakes her head in disbelief. "The Jedi are not dead. As long as you and I breathe, the Jedi are alive. As long as there are force sensitive beings like Rey, the Jedi are alive."

"No." His voice is barely audible. "I died that night. The Jedi are over. There is no hope."

He waves his hand and she feels the connection breaking. His figure begins to fade.

Quickly she lunges for him, "No, Luke. I have hope, we all have hope! Open yourself to the force again...Open yourself to hope."

In an instance she's back in the storage closet. She turns in a circle calling for her uncle. No response.

I should have gone with Rey.

She squeezes her eyes shut trying to focus on Luke and will the connection between them again. Nothing. The only sound is her heart pounding in her chest.

Perhaps I should reach out to Rey. The thought that her brother may feel her do that stops her. I can't risk him finding them.

A janitor opens the door of the closet startled by her.

"Uh can I help you?" He asks.

"No. I'm sorry." She bashfully steps out into the hallway.

She runs directly into Finn and Poe.

"Jaina!" Poe embraces her. He looks at where she is coming from. "What were you doing?"

"I uh...Finn, you're up and about." She deflects giving the young man a hug.

Finn smiles slightly. "Thanks."

"Does Kalonia know?"

"Yes, she checked him out. Says he can walk around but not to exert himself." Poe answers.

"Have you heard from Rey?" Finn interrupts.

"Uh no." Jaina replies, "But I heard she's made it there."

"Heard?" Poe questions.

"Yea, let's get you to Mother." Jaina leads Finn to the bridge.

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