Chapter 17

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Leia and Poe watch in horror as the transport beside them explodes. Their transport shutters from the close proximity of the blast. Poe runs toward the cockpit.

"Come on, give it full thrusters. Full speed!"

"I am sir!"

Another transport blows up behind them. The pilots do their best to navigate through the debris.


Ben charges at a red guard locking weapons with him. Another runs up behind him. Jaina force pulls the second guard into her lightsaber.

Rey spins taking on two guards at one time. One uses a power whip and wraps it around her lightsaber. She struggles to maintain the upper hand. He pulls her closer and closer. She whirls around slicing through him. A piece of armor flies through the air ripping a hole in the wall above a guard. He separates his weapon into two as he walks toward her. She yells as she attacks.

Ben breaks apart two guards that push him backwards. A third moves to strike but ends up with Ben's lightsaber through his chest. He points his lightsaber as he turns surveying the room. Rey screams in pain as she is stabbed in the arm. Jaina flips over two guards cornering her. She lands and cuts off both heads with one swipe.

Three more guards circle Ben taunting him with their weapons. He manages to free one from his spear and his head. The other two aren't phased and continue their assault. He uses both the spear and his lightsaber to defeat one guard however they are stuck in the armor. The third guard uses this to attack Ben. He has to back up with no weapons barely able to keep from getting hurt. The guard and Ben grapple over a spear. Ben gets caught between the spear and the guard. The guard tightens his grip causing the spear to strangle Ben.

Rey frees herself from the guard she was fighting and sees Ben struggling.

"Ben!" She throws him her lightsaber.

He catches it igniting it through his foe's mask.

Jaina finishes off the last guard. She hunches over to catch her breath. Ben throws the spear used to strangle him. Rey runs to the looking glass.

"The fleet. Order them to stop firing. There's still time to save the fleet."

Ben steps in front of Snoke's dismembered body. He stares at his old master.

Jaina tenderly approaches. "You did it. You freed yourself. He can't control you anymore. You're free to make your own decisions."

He glances at her. "Free?"

"Yes, you don't have to do his will. You can control your own destiny, not the one he chose for you. You've already turned your back on the Dark side. Now you can live your life in peace."

He twists to face her. He doesn't have to say anything she already knows what he is thinking.

"Ben?" Rey pulls their attention.

"It's time to let old things die."

Rey's heart drops. All the hope she had vanishes with every step he takes toward her.

"Snoke. Skywalker. The Sith, the Jedi. The Rebels...Let it all die."

Jaina follows him. "But, Mother..."

"I told you the past must die." He waits for her to be next to him. "You're right I'm free, but you're not. You have to cut ties with those that control you."

Tears fill Jaina's eyes. "But what if this isn't what I want."

"Isn't it? Then why did you come here?" He grips her shoulders. "I'll tell you why, you came here to join me. You know this is where you belong, those other people don't understand you. They don't value you. You and I were always meant to be more than Luke, even our Grandfather. Deep down you know I'm right. That's why you're here."

"No, please, " Rey moves closer. "We've come so far."

Ben extends his hand to her, "Rey, don't you see we can rule together and bring a new order to the galaxy. The three of us together, the Dark Triad."

"Don't do this, Ben." She shakes her head. "Please don't go this way."

"No, no. You're still holding on! Let go!" Frustration laces his words. "We are your family now."

She shakes from emotion. A family, all she ever wanted. That feeling of safety she felt when they touched in the hut grows in her.

"Do you want to know the truth about your parents?" He presses. "Or have you always known? And you've just hidden it away.

A memory springs in Jaina's head. The night she and Luke left the Jedi temple. They went to Jakku with a little girl. The girl that Anakin died saving. Rey.

"You know the truth. Say it."

Rey can't contain her sadness. "They were nobody."

"They were filthy junk traders who sold you off for drinking money"

Jaina stares at Rey. Guilt floods her as she remembers leaving her on Jakku. Rey sobs and Jaina has to look away. She doesn't know who the girl's parents were but something tells her they were more than what Ben says.

"They're dead in a paupers' grave in the Jakku desert. You have no place in this story. You come from nothing. You're nothing."

He pauses letting his words sink into Rey."But not to me. Not to us."

Ben takes Jaina's hand.

Through the tears Rey see his hand extend to her as well.

"Please, join me. Jaina and I will take care of you. We won't let you down like your parents."

Rey locks eyes with Jaina. She waits for reassurance.


Amilyn watches as all the fire from the First Order diverts from hitting the cruise to the transports. Quickly, she goes to the command's chair. She redirects the remaining fuel to the hyperdrive while turning the cruiser around.

"Time for something heroic."

The Other Solo - Part II A Shadow of HopeWhere stories live. Discover now