Chapter 4

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Drained from his conversation with his niece, Luke lays down on his small bed. Her face with it's hurt expression and angry words replay in his head. He squeezes his eyes shut to block it out. I never should have reached out to her.

He rolls over on his side and before long exhaustion takes hold of him. The sleep, if anyone would call it that, is restless. He is bombarded with old memories of Leia and Han, Obi-Wan Kenobi and his father. He falls further to the last night he tried to reach out to his nephew Ben.

Ben had been having night terrors since Jaina left for her mission, his powers were uncontrollable during this time. His screams would echo through the halls, objects would levitate, the disturption of the force was felt by all around. He decided to isolate himself outside the temple in a hut, Luke didn't argue. The nightly manifestations were frightening the younglings and Jedi knights. Anakin was the only one not afraid and had been begging to see Ben for days.

Luke and Ani walked hand in hand out beyond the garden to the barren part of the Jedi grounds. As they got closer to Ben's hut Luke sensed a strange power emanating from it. Anakin too stopped and questioned Luke.

"What is that, Master?"

"I...I don't know." Luke replied. Fear began to rise in him and the power intensified.

The ground began to quake under them. Anakin clung to Luke. The older man had a hard time keeping his balance.

"Maybe we should leave!" The youngling cried out.

Luke was about to pick up the child when the vision struck him. It was the vision Jaina had of the slaughter at the Jedi temple. Anakin gasped as the vision was also projected to him. Before Luke could break the bond another vision took over his senses. The planets in the galaxy one by one were over taken by a shadow. Millions of beings were slaughtered and lay scattered as far as the eyes could see. Suddenly, he felt the rest of the planets exploding. Luke stood defenseless as more and more screams and bodies flooded his view.

Finally he was able to break free and awoke on his back. The ground had ceased its movement and the stars in the sky twinkled as if nothing happened. Anakin sat huddled rocking back and forth next to him.

"Anakin?" The youngling didn't answer. His eyes were shut and tears were streaming down his round cheeks. "Anakin, answer me."

The boy shook his head.

"Anakin." Luke's voice cracked. He sensed the horror and agony the child was feeling. Ani was too young to see and feel such things. Instead of trying to talk further he cradled the child in his arms and headed back to the temple.

In the temple courtyard Luke put down Anakin. He was still in the fetal position and hadn't uttered a single word the entire way back. The tears had stopped but his eyes were still closed. Luke sat across from him and began to rub the child's temples.

"Anakin... I need you to open your eyes." Luke commanded.

Ani shook his head.

"Open your eyes!" Luke bellowed and slowly the boy did so.

Luke continued to rub his temples. "I'm so sorry you had to witness that Ani. You were never meant to see it."

The child began to whimper.

"I'm going to take it all away." Luke soothes. "I need you to trust me and open up your mind. Can you do that?"

"I... I can't." Anakin murmurs.

"Just focus on me, follow my breathing." Luke guides.

Soon Anakin relaxes and Luke begins pulling the memory of the night out of him. The visions arise and Anakin starts to resist not wanting to relive the horror.

"No no..." Luke directs gently. "Let it come... I promise it will all be over soon."

Anakin nods and allows the memories to come. He flinches until its over and finally collapses into Luke's arms.

"There, there. I promise you won't remember a thing when you wake in the morning." Luke kisses the top of his young nephew's head before carrying him to bed.

Once alone he contemplates what to do next.

Can this really be Ben's fate? What should I do? Is there anything I can do to prevent this?

A thought creeps into his mind.

If I end him before he becomes Kylo Ren, no suffering will have to occur.

Wait, kill my nephew? What will Jaina and Anakin think? What will Han and Leia think? Will they understand? Will they forgive me?

All those beings, all those planets. I have the power to stop it...I have to stop it... I have to end the darkness within him.

I must kill Ben.


Luke wakes gasping. He takes in his surroundings to get orientated. Out the window the water of Ahch-To crashes against the island's cliffs. A breeze blows in from his tiny window, but he feels suffocated by his Jedi robe and quickly takes it off. Gently, he folds the garment and lays it on a shelf.

He pulls his leather coat closer to him as a loud knock from outside pulls him from his thoughts. The knocking gets louder.

"Go away!" He yells.

With a loud thud the door is pushed into the hut. He whips around to see his old friend Chewbacca barge in growling.

"Chewie, what are you doing here?" Luke exclaims.

Chewbacca moans and Rey translates, "He said you're coming back with us."

Luke annoyed Rey thinks she needs to translate continues to speak with Chewie. "How did you find me?"

Rey again answers, "Long story. We'll tell you on the Falcon."

"Falcon?" Luke questions.

Chewie lowers his head and a sadness washes over Rey's face.

"Wait." Luke pieces it together. "Where's Han?"

The Other Solo - Part II A Shadow of HopeWhere stories live. Discover now