Chapter 7

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Raddus Bridge

"Proximity alert!" Ackbar yells over the blaring sound of the alarm.

"They found us." An officer warns.

Poe rushes to Ackbar's side. "That's impossible."

Lieutenant Connix looks up from her monitor. "A fleet of First Order ships have dropped out of lightspeed."

She projects the image of the ships in the middle of the command center just in time for the Mega-class Star Dreadnought, Supremacy to drop out of lightspeed.

"That's Snoke's ship." Jaina warns as she moves to her mother and Finn. She grips her mother's shoulder. They both feel the shift in the force from Snoke's imposing power.

"You gotta be kidding me." Poe huffs as he walks toward the center console. "Can we jump to lightspeed?"

Connix shakes her head. "We only have enough fuel for just one jump."

"Well then do it." Poe commands. "We gotta get out of here."

"Wait." Leia lifts her hand and all look to her. "They've tracked us through lightspeed."

"That's impossible." Finn says.

"Yes." Leia nods. "And they've done it."

Poe looks at Jaina and she knows he's wondering if she somehow connected with Kylo Ren. She shakes her head, although deep down she does wonder if Ben indeed found her somehow.

"So if we jump to lightspeed they'll just find us again and we'll be out of fuel." Finn dreads. "They've got us."

"Not yet, they don't." Poe moves around the table to face Leia. "Permission to jump in an X-wing and blow something up?"

"Permission granted." She concedes. "Admiral, swing us around."

Poe stops next to Jaina tenderly touching her arm. He doesn't want to go into battle with things the way they are.

"We can talk later." She reassures him. "Stay focused and be careful."

He nods in acknowledgement and kisses her cheek.

"Commander Solo..." Her mother calls. "You better suit up as well."

Jaina blinks in disbelief. "But what about Kalonia?"

"I'll handle her." Leia waves her off. "We need all the hope we can get."

Poe grabs Jaina's hand pulling her toward the door with BB-8 rolling behind. Finn follows into the bustling hallway. The energy is palpable as the cruiser shudders with every hit against the shields.

"Green Squadron to launch position."

Poe flinches at the announcement. They both wish their squad was the first out of the gate.

Jaina moves as fast as she can in her cast still she knows she is slowing Poe down. Finn is close behind BB-8 rolls to the front to clear a path.

"Poe, you should go ahead..." Jaina offers.

Poe squeezes her hand. "I'm fine."

"Poe, you need to lead your squad. They need you more. Go, I'll be alright." She persuades pushing him with her shoulder.

He looks behind them. "Finn, keep an eye on her."

"I don't need an escort." Jaina begins to protest.

Finn nods and takes Jaina's other arm.

Poe smirks. "See you soon."

He looks down at BB-8 "Don't wait for me! Jump in and fire her up!"

The Other Solo - Part II A Shadow of HopeWhere stories live. Discover now