Chapter 19

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The Resistance shuttles land in the old base. Poe starts ordering people to check the equipment and search for weapons of any kind. Leia walks to the entrance solemnly.

The suns shine brightly on the white surface. The horizon is a haze. Amilyn is lost. Almost half of the remaining Resistance stand in this building. How will they survive?

She closes her eyes letting the force carry her thoughts.



Thank the force!

I'm heading toward you. Rey will be along shortly with Chewie.

And your brother?

Ben...  Jaina taps the controls. He's coming but not the way we hoped.


Kylo Ren's heart races as he boards his command ship with Hux in tow.


His mother's voice fills his head.

My son.

He shakes his head to clear it.

Ben. Don't shut me out.

It's over.

No, it's not. There's still time. You can stop this.

You're right. I will stop it. I will stop all of it. Starting with the Resistance.

Ending the Resistance won't change what happened. It won't absolve your guilt.

The sharp memory of Han's death stabs him in the heart. Ren braces himself against the side of the shuttle. A single tear escapes his eye. The faces of the fallen Jedi flash in his mind. He walks toward the back of shuttle as if to escape the memories. The vision of Little Anakin's lifeless body overwhelms him.

"Stop it!" He yells.

Everyone on the shuttle turns toward him.

"Sir?" The pilot questions. "Do you wish to stay on the ship?"

The legions have already deployed.

"Ren?" Hux pulls his attention.

"Continue." Ren waves his hand dismissively.

The pilot looks to Hux for confirmation.

Hux simply nods.

Their deaths are as much Luke's fault as they are mine. He misguided and deceived you all. And're not so innocent either. How many lives have you taken in the name of the force? If anyone is absolving guilt it's you. You think you are saving the galaxy, saving it for what? Who will the people turn to now? You? Darth Vader's blood runs through your veins as well. Don't think for one moment you are immune to the lure of power. That's why you left us. The galaxy needed your help. Needed you more than you're own children. I am the way I am because of you, Han and Luke. Don't try to change me now.

Leia collapses from Ben abruptly severing their connection. Guilt floods her.

"Is he right?"

"Is who right?" Poe asks as he helps her up.

She looks at him strangely like she has forgotten who he is.

"General, are you all right?"

"Yes, Poe. I'm fine." She stands. "Did you need something?"

The Other Solo - Part II A Shadow of HopeWhere stories live. Discover now