Chapter 20

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"Chewie, I put in the coordinates for the planet the Resistance was going to. Prepare to jump to lightspeed." Rey flicks switches on the dash.

Chewie reaches above to switch on the hyperdrive. He looks over at Rey.

"When I left, the First Order were blasting their escape shuttles. We need to get there as soon as possible."

Chewie growls.

"I'm sorry Chewie, I just can't talk about what happened. I just need to focus on saving the Resistance. I'm praying some of them made it through."

The wookie nods and then moans.

"I guess I could try. Jaina was heading to the planet when we parted."

Rey closes her eyes. She reaches out to the force. She feels it moving within her, around her. She concentrates on Jaina.

Rey? Is that you?

Yes, are you safe? Did any of the shuttles make it?

Thankfully, I made it to the base with what remains of the Resistance.


Yes, we're in an abandoned mine turned base from the Rebel days.

I'm almost there, send me the coordinates of the base.

The First Order is here. Ben is with them.

I'm not leaving you to fend for yourselves. I'll distract them and lead them away. Tell your mother to turn on her beacon.

Ok, be careful.

I will. May the force be with you.


Computers are uncovered and scanners are placed on available tables. C3PO tends to Leia as technicians get power running in the command room. Connix works on getting a distress signal coded. Jaina walks into the room.

"How's it coming?"

"Uh good." Connix stammers. "Commander Solo, I know it's not the time but can I just apologize for my behavior on the cruiser?"

Jaina gently puts her hand on the Lieutenant's shoulder. "Kaydel, it's ok. We were under a lot of stress and none of us were thinking clearly. You have nothing to apologize to me."

Connix smiles and continues typing.

"All right, shields are up so they can't hit us from orbit." Poe announces. He joins Jaina and Connix. "Use whatever power we've got left to broadcast a distress signal to the Outer Rim."

"Use my personal code." Leia orders. "If there are any allies to the Resistance, its now or never."

"Rose, what do you got?" Poe notices her and some of the crew approaching.

She looks defeated. "Rotting munitions, rusted artillery, some half-gutted skim speeders."

"Well, let's just pray that big ass door holds long enough for us to get help."

The room shutters and dust falls. The ice foxes bark in the base.

"They're here." Jaina shudders feeling Ben's presence.

Poe rushes out of the room with some of the other crewmembers.

Jaina stops Leia on the way out. "Mother, Rey contacted me. She said she's almost here and wants you to turn the beacon on so she can find us."

Leia sighs in relief. "That's one ally."


"A battering ram cannon." Finn announces looking through a scope.

"A what now?" Poe questions.

"Miniaturized Death Star tech. It'll crack that door open like an egg."

"There has to be a back way out of here, right?" Rose looks at Jaina as she approaches.

BB-8 chirps.

"BB-8, what do you got?" Poe leans down to his droid.

"BB-8 has analyzed the mine's schematics. This is the only way in or out." C3PO interprets.

Jaina feels the rising dispair in everyone around her. The rumbling of the First Order legion rolling up literally to their door doesn't help morale.

"Come on." All eyes fall on Finn. "We have allies. People believe in Leia. They know we have Jaina, a Jedi Knight. They'll get our message, they'll come. But we have to buy time. We gotta take out that cannon."

Poe nods, "Time for something... heroic."

*Sorry this chapter is so short but I started writing the battle scene and it was becoming too long. I decided to make it it's own chapter. Bare with me I'm almost done writing it. Thanks for reading!  *

The Other Solo - Part II A Shadow of HopeWhere stories live. Discover now