Chapter 18

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Captain Peavey turns toward the technician.

"The Resistance cruiser's preparing to jump to lightspeed."

General Hux steps forward. "It's empty. They're just trying to pull our attention away."

Peavey looks unconvinced.

"Pathetic. Keep your fire on the transports." Hux orders.


Jaina doesn't move. Ben's grip tightens on her hand. He wants her to coerce Rey to his side. Part of her wants to go with him but it's not as big as the part that wants to save her mother and the rest of the Resistance.

Rey's face pleads for her to do something. She feels Jaina being torn apart just as Ben felt before Snoke fell. She too wants to be go along with him although she had hoped it would be to the Light.

"Let go." Ben whispers. "It will be all right."

Rey wipes the tears from her face. "I know it will."

She gradually reaches out.

Jaina senses what she is planning but before she can stop her, Rey grabs Luke's lightsaber from Ben's belt. He fights to keep it from her hand.

Jaina tries to wriggle free from his grip. He squeezes harder.

"Ben, Rey." She tries to reason.

"You will come to my side, one way or another." He grits his teeth.


People huddle in front of the transport window. Poe and Connix aren't the only ones to notice the cruiser turning toward the Finalizer.

"She's running away." Connix mumurs.

"No, she isn't." Poe counters.


Hux can't believe his eyes. The cruiser is actually aimed right for them. They realize too late Holdo's plan.

"NO!" Peavey exclaims.

"Fire on that cruiser!" Hux bellows.


Ben drops Jaina's hand as he endeavors to overcome Rey. She uses the opportunity to push them apart.

"Ben, Rey, stop!"

They barely look at her.

"This is useless."

Ben raises his other hand to push his sister away. Rey also tries to force her to let go of them.

The three grunt and yell from the strain. The hilt of the lightsaber shakes from the tug of war.

"We... can't... this won't... solve..." Jaina barely has enough energy to speak.

The hilt of the lightsaber splits in half and the kyber crystal shatters from the pressure. All three fall backwards from the release. The room shifts abruptly as the cruiser slices through the command ship.

There's seconds of silence from the momentum of the ship in hyperspeed. It cuts not just through the command ship but also some of the First Order fleet.

Jaina lands hard on the floor. The pain of Amilyn's death radiates through her. Her vision blurs as the room bursts into flames around her. Blackness swallows her.

When she opens her eyes she's on Yavin 4 in the Jedi temple. She walks toward the large staircase heading down into the courtyard. Children's laughter can be heard faintly. She leans on the railing watching Anakin run to the base of the stairs.

"Jaina!" He waves. "There you are! I've been waiting for you!"

She smiles and starts down the stairs.

"Jaina." Ben's voice calls. His figure slowly appears on the other side of the courtyard.

She reaches for her lightsaber but its not holstered to her belt. He too notices his lightsaber is not with him.

Anakin follows her gaze."Ben! I've missed you! Let's read in the library!"

Even from the distance she can see Ben's eyes well with tears as he looks at his younger brother.

"Jaina." Luke's voice startles her. He puts his hand on her shoulder. "It's not your time"

"What?" She turns but he is gone.

The courtyard fades away.

"Jaina." This voice is more urgent. "Jaina! Wake up!"

The blackness begins to take over again.

Jaina sits up gasping for air. Rey is kneeling beside her shaking her shoulders.

"We have to go."

Jaina's eyes dart to Ben. He's lying unconscious. She is relieved to see his shoulders slightly rise from breathing.

"We have to leave before he wakes."

"I can't leave him." Jaina starts to move.

"No, we have to leave while we can. The ship isn't going to last too much longer."

"Then we have to get him off too."

"I heard the call for retreat. Stormtroopers will be here any second to collect him."

Jaina looks back at her brother. "Ok."

Rey helps her stand. She grabs the broken lightsaber on the way out. They take the elevator down to the hangar. Jaina's ship is still standing. Sneaker beeps happily.

"Come we can take Snoke's ship." Rey calls over the alarms. "We can meet up with Chewie on the Falcon."

"You go. My droid fixed my x-wing."

Rey looks uncertain. Jaina hugs her.

"I promise I'll see you on the planet."


General Hux stands over Snoke's severed body. How did this happen? Fear rises in him at the thought that Rey and Jaina were able to overcome the Supreme Leader. Who is in charge now?

He turns to see Kylo Ren lying motionless. He wasn't able to protect Snoke. He allowed the Resistance scum and Scavenger to do this.

I have to stop him. Surely, he will assume control.

He unholsters his blaster just as Ren regains consciousness.

"What happened?" Hux asks not hiding any disgust.

"The girl murdered Snoke." Ren rises to his feet.

"Which one?"

Ren doesn't bother to answer him. He walks to the window viewing the detached part of the ship floating near by.

"What happened?"

"She took Snoke's escape craft."

"And my sister?"

"Apparently, her x-wing wasn't badly damaged."

"We know where they're going. Get all our forces down to that Resistance base. Let's finish this."

"Finish this?" Hux challenges. "Who do you think you're talking to? You presume to command my army?"

Ren stops his stride.

"Our Supreme Leader is dead! We have no ruler!" Hux yells at his back.

Ren force grabs Hux by the throat ceasing his whining. Hux drops to his knees as the air is being squeezed out of him. Soon he will lose consciousness.

"The Supreme Leader is dead. " Ren threatens.

"Long live the Supreme Leader." Hux rasps.

The Other Solo - Part II A Shadow of HopeWhere stories live. Discover now