Chapter 5

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 "Alas, you're no Vader..."

Supreme Leader Snoke's venomous words swirl in Kylo Ren's head. He can barely breathe as the rage swells inside him.

I am weak.

He looks down at his helmet. His instrument to bring fear to those he came in contact with. The one thing he thought would bring him closer to his grandfather.

"You're just a child in a mask."

He stares down at it. The dullness proves it no longer holds the menacing quality he hoped for.

Does this make me a joke? Even Jaina seemed unafraid and dismissive whenever I wore it.

He strikes the helmet against the wall of the elevator as he swallows the frustration and pain he feels in his chest. Over and over he rams the helmet until scraps remain. He feels the strength of the dark side fill him once again.

Let the past die.

Charged with his new resolve and purpose he exits the elevator. Two officers stand at attention before him.

"Ready my ship." He orders pushing past them.



Poe grabs Jaina and pulls her back before they enter the bridge. Finn stops and turns to them. "Are you coming?"

"You go on a head buddy," Poe gestures with his chin. "we'll only be a minute."

Finn looks to Jaina and she nods to reassure him.

As the door shuts Poe turns Jaina to face him.

"Hey, what's going on? Is it your arm or leg?"

Jaina inhales sharply.

"Is it Rey or your brother? Did something happen in the closet?"

"Poe." Jaina jerks out of his grasp. "What the hell were you thinking?"

He steps back a bit hurt from her action and tone. "Are you mad at me?"

"You're damn straight I am!" She shouts crossing her arms.

"Look I'm sorry you couldn't be out there with us..." He tries to reach out to her again.

She slaps his hand away. "Are you serious? You think I'm mad because I couldn't be out there with you? I'm not a child, Poe!"

"Well you sure could have fooled me!" He shouts back, "Pouting and giving me the silent treatment."

Jaina narrows her eyes at him. "I'll tell you one thing Dameron... You're damn lucky I wasn't out there or else I would have shot you down."

Poe looks at her incredulous.

"I felt it... I had to watch it and feel it." Tears pool in Jaina's eyes. "All those people...our friends...dead. For what?"

He puts his head down. "That's the cost of war sometimes."

Anger rises in her. "It didn't have to be like that. The order was given to retreat. I was standing next to Mother when you defied her. You made a bad call!"

Poe gets defensive. "I told you, I would do whatever I had to to give you and the rest enough time to evacuate. We took out a dreadnought!"

"So that's it... their lives were worth it so you could brag about taking out a freaking dreadnought!" Jaina force pushes Poe into the wall.

Shock registers on both their faces and she releases him quickly.

"Poe, I..." Jaina starts toward him.

The Other Solo - Part II A Shadow of HopeWhere stories live. Discover now