Chapter 22

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"Stop!" Kylo Ren orders. He can barely believe his eyes.

A single man emerges from the dark gray smoke billowing out of the hole in the mine door. Even from this distance he knows who it is.

At Last.

Luke passes between the flames with an air of determination. The wind whips his cloak majestically behind him. He stares down his nephew floating above the battlefield.

Hello, Ben.

The First Order legion stops advancing. They are puzzled by the order to desist just from the appearance of a single man. They wait blasters poised if any other Resistance members flood out.

Kylo Ren steps forward. "I want every gun we have to fire on that man."

Luke braces himself waiting for his nephew's response. He feels all the guns and cannons aim at him.

"Do it." Ren calmly orders.

The first blast hits Luke directly. A large cloud of red dust and smoke fills the air. The First Order continues their assault as the Resistance watches helplessly.

"NO!" Jaina screams. Poe tightens his grip on her.

"More!" Ren demands. His face is illuminated red as he clenches his fist from all the rage filling him. "More!"

Jaina fights the urge to push Poe and run out to Luke. Leia squeezes her hand to try to calm her. The tension filters through the Resistance.

"That's enough." Hux counters Ren. The Supreme Leader's jaw constricts as he quakes.

"That's enough!" Hux directs to the pilots and the rest of the First Order.

Ren falls back into his seat breathing heavily. All the years he's hunted and waited for this moment. The moment he would kill his old master. He feels vindicated but at the same time a sadness passes over him.

"Do you think you got him?" Hux looks back at him with disgust. "Now, if we're ready to get moving we can finish this."

"Sir?" A pilot pulls their attention. Ren stands watching as the dust clears revealing Luke standing in the same spot.

Jaina opens her eyes feeling Luke's lifeforce still strong. Leia shares the same look of disbelief as her children.

Ren's breath catches watching Luke walk briskly toward the First Order line. Luke stops to brush the soot from his shoulder. He feels the fear rising in his nephew.

Is that the best you can do? Why don't you come face me, unless you're too afraid.

"Bring me down to him." Ren instructs. "Keep the door covered and don't advance until I say."

Hux turns sharply. "Supreme Leader, don't get distracted. Our goal..."

Ren flicks his wrist and slams Hux into the console.


"Med pack!" Finn drags Rose into the mine. "I need a med pack!"

A med team rushes over.

"She's hurt pretty badly." He informs them.

Jaina and Poe run out of the command room.

"Thank the force." Jaina embraces Finn tightly.

"Next time I give you an order, you better listen." Poe warns before hugging his friend. "That said, I'm glad you're alright."

The med team carries Rose past them. Jaina closes her eyes. She feels Rose's life force faint but still there.

"I think she'll make it." She reassures Finn.

"I owe her my life." Finn says tenderly. He turns his attention to the commotion outside. "Who is that?"

"That's my uncle, Jedi Master Luke." Jaina answers moving to the opening.

"Why did they stop firing?" A crewmember whispers.

Poe checks the scene through his scope. "It's Kylo Ren. Luke's facing him alone."

Jaina takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. She reaches out to her brother and uncle.

Finn is puzzled that Jaina isn't going out there.

"Well we should help him. Let's go."

"No, wait. Wait." Poe stops Finn. He looks through his scope again.

Kylo Ren stops a few yards from his former master. He connects with his sister, pulling her into view. Luke notices her but doesn't make contact.

"Did you come back to say you forgive me?" Ren snarls. "To save my soul?"

"No." Luke answers coldly.

"Then are you here to claim her. To save her from my clutches?"

Luke shakes his head slowly. "She doesn't need to be saved. She's strong enough to make her own path."

"Her path leads to the Dark Triad."

Ren takes his attack stance igniting his tri-lightsaber. Luke follows suit igniting his. Jaina stands watching the duel unfold. She's only projected not physically there so she can't stop them.

This is the last we will have to endure you. Ren points his lightsaber at Luke. This is how the Jedi will finally end.

Luke glances at Jaina and shakes his head gently.

Ren warns. You felt it in the hut, she will come to my side. The light in her is waning. You failed.

A small smile flashes across Luke's face as he looks one last time at his niece. Follow the force.

Jaina fades away. 

The smile also fades as he turns to nephew again. You will never squash the light completely.

The Other Solo - Part II A Shadow of HopeWhere stories live. Discover now