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"Okay class. This project will provide you half of your final grade. If you focus and work as partners, I am sure you 'll be rewarded."

Great. For half of my grade, I'll have to count on some bored average-graded student. 
I'll probably have to work on the project by myself.

"Jade Keneston. You are partnering with....let me check.", the teacher's voice brings me back to planet Earth.

Please be someone dedicated. A good student. A social butterfly.

"Miss Billie Eilish."

What the actual fuck?

The teacher continues partnering students, but I turn to look at Billie Eilish.
She hasn't even moved an inch. It's like the teacher didn't just tell her I am gonna be her partner for a project that defines half of our grades in this class.

What the hell am I gonna do? How am I supposed to work with her?
I usually don't judge her as everyone does, but this is about my grade. I can't just pretend that she's just like every other student.

After class, I don't leave the place immediately.

"I..am..sorry Miss Jerome, but how am i supposed to work on a project like that with someone like...umm...Billie? I mean, yeah she's my classmate and stuff but she's a little...shy?", i am trying so hard not to sound judgemental, but i see the disappointment in her eyes.

"Miss Keneston. I wasn't expecting to hear something like that from you...i paired you up with Billie just because i know you don't...talk badly about her like the other students. What's gotten into you?", the teacher is clearly confused and disappointed?

I sigh and rest my bag on the nearest desk.

"She barely even talks to anyone. How am i supposed to make her help me with an entire assignment?"

Honestly, she doesn't seem to be one of the best students.

"That's exactly why i picked you for her. Maybe she'll open up to you. You're optimistic and open-minded. I think she needs a person like that."

"And what if she doesn't like me? What if she refuses to work with me?"

"Apart from her shyness and social anxiety, she seems like a sweet girl. Give her a chance. Honestly, i can see you as her friend. I am sure you won't judge her appearance and attitude anymore if you actually get to know her. Right?"


I am still skeptical, but Miss Jerome is right. After all, i was the one who told my friends they should stop judging by appearance.

"Thank you Jade. You seem like a really nice person to be around to. I am sure Billie will get used to working with you and open up. Just give her time."

I nod my head. After all, everyone deserves a chance.


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