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The next days, we keep meeting to work on our project.
Fortunately, Billie actually cares about the assignment and works on it as much as I do, which is odd, because she was never a big fan of studying from what I've heard and witnessed.

"I think we need to add some more details. Don't you think?", she asks.

Currently, we are working on the topic of romantic relationships.
I insisted on adding this topic because it is really important since our assignment is about human relationships. Billie was not as excited as I was for this certain topic.

"romantic relationship is one in which two partners commit to being exclusively dating, as well as being intimate together and spending more and more time together as the relationship progresses, with the potential to eventually lead to marriage or building a family."

"Exclusively? Marriage? Who writes these? Not all relationships are lame.", Billie comments.

"Lame? Wanting to be with your one and only forever is lame?"
I can safely say that I am offended.

"Well...it is lame. But if you insist on staying with one person...forever...then you might as well not marry them. Marriage ruins it all."

"That's not true! Many marriages have ended up just fine.", I defend myself.

"Yeah right."

"From your saying, you'll probably never marry.", I sigh.

"Of course I won't. Love doesn't exist. At least the way you think it does."

"Bullshit. Love is real. You're just being defensive because of your family.", the moment it slips, I regret opening my mouth.

"Maybe you're right.", she says not even a bit touched. "But not all people can fall in love as you call it."

Is this girl's heart made of stone or something?

"Of course they can. Don't you think someone could fall in love with you?"

She snorts.

"Nah, not happening."

"And why is that?", I smirk comically. "You think you're too complicated?"

"We're not in a cheesy lame romantic movie Keneston. You really think i would use the <<i am complicated >> excuse?", she laughs. "I am not complicated. Not even a little bit. Sorry for ruining your perfect scenario."

"Then why are you so convinced that you can't find love?"

"Because I just can't. I am too awkward. Too anti-social. And I don't believe in love. Besides, in case you forgot, I am the school's freak. Who would want the reputation of the freak's girlfriend?"

I stop in my tracks. Girlfriend?

"So...the rumors...", I start, not wanting to make her feel bad.

"I didn't say all of them were lies. I am indeed a lesbian. Boys just...gross me out."

"So...have you been pregnant too?", I joke to ease the tension.

She laughs loudly. "In order to get pregnant, I would have to have sex with a man, wouldn't I?"

"Right. So you're not even willing to try it with a man."

"Hell no. Just thinking about it makes me wanna puke.", she jokes.

"Okay wow, this is too straight-forward.", I laugh.

"I like being perfectly clear.", she clarifies.

"I also like that."

I do?
We should just go back to the assignment.

"We always get distracted during this project.", she remarks.

"I know. I think this topic is distracting. I mean...we ended up talking about your sexuality, for god's sake!", I can't keep my laughter.
This situation is too funny.
"You know what? I think the teacher wanted us to actually get to know each other while doing the project. Maybe that was the target."

"I suppose you're right. But we're always talking about me Keneston. I haven't learned anything about you yet.", she notes.

"Well..i guess you're right."
That's true. I was too curious to learn more about her, that I forgot to open up myself.

"Let's play 20 questions then.", she smirks.

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