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When I finally find the courage to call her, my hands are shaking and my pulse is out of control.

"Hello.", her voice is a relief after everything that happened.

"Ehm...Hi. It's Jade...Keneston. Your classmate, that insulted you because she's a complete moron.", I blurt out before thinking. "I was affected by what everyone said, and I know it's stupid but they really got in my head. I am really sorry."
I can hear nothing but silence, but I know she heard what I said.

"How...did you find my phone number?", she mutters and it's pretty clear that she's not delighted I found her number.

"Well, your brother gave it to me. I stopped by the garage he works and...", I nervously reply.

I hope she's not really mad at me for practically stalking her.

"How did you know where my brother works? Did you stalk him or something?", her tone is accusing and I know she's still pretty mad at me.

"Look, I owed you an apology. I asked and learned. I called you to apologize for my behavior, you really don't need to be that defensive.", I calmly exclaim.

There's a long pause before she answers. "That's all you wanted to tell me? Come on, I don't have all day."

What? What else does she think we need to talk about?

"What do you mean? I told you the reason I called you. I don't think there's anything else, except if you want to tell me something.", I protest.

"Are you sure you don't want me to help you with the rest of the project?"

And then it hits me. The project. This damn assignment.

"Oh. That..."

"Yeah. That.", her voice is challenging. Like she's waiting for me to blurt it out.

"Well...yeah actually. After all, we're still partners in this. So yes, I want you to help me finish the project."

She sighs through the line and I know what she must be thinking.
She's a heartless monster that only cares about grades and school.
That's what I would be thinking of myself if I was in her shoes anyway.

"Don't worry. You'll get that precious A. Let's just get this over with already."

Somehow, her words hurt me. She made perfectly clear that she doesn't want to have anything to do with me after the assignment. And for some reason, that stings.

"Yeah, okay. I'll text you.", is the only thing I manage.


After that, she ends the call.

"Jade?", a knock on my door and my older sister's voice snap me out of my trance.

"Maya.", I smile at my sister.

"Mom says dinner's ready. We haven't eaten together since last month...what's the matter sis? You're always so focused on everything school-related.", Maya confesses.

"Yeah, I know. I am sorry for being so distant, I just have a lot on my mind lately.", I sigh and lower my head.

"You know you can tell me anything."

"Yeah, I know. But it's nothing important, really."

My sister smirks and god knows what she must be thinking.

"Do you have a crush on someone?"

Oh no...not this discussion again.

"No Maya. I don't have a crush on anyone. I am just too occupied by homework and stuff."

"Whatever you say.", she clearly doesn't believe me. "When I was your age, I couldn't even think about homework."

"We're different people you know.", I grin.

"That doesn't change the fact that your brain should be out of your head by now."

My mother's voice interrupts our conversation and we both head to the kitchen for dinner.

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