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"What is this?", I ask, stunned by the amazingly beautiful sight in front of me.

"It's a gift. I wanna thank you for letting us stay in your house even though if your mother catches us, we're all dead."

Billie's gift is probably the most flattering thing I've ever received.

"You...is this...?", I try to form a sentence, startled.

"Yeah. Graffiti."

The huge wall in front of us is surely a work of art. I didn't know she was a literal artist, but again, she isn't completely used to opening up to me yet.
However, I can't see why would someone hide such talent.

"It's...", I can't find the right words and she definitely looks nervous about my reaction.

I keep staring at the mix of colors, the delicate features and remarkable details of this perfectly drawn portrait of myself.
It's certainly drawn with proffessional spray paint and that makes it more fascinating and glamorous.

No one's ever done anything like this for me. In fact, the person who's portrayed in this wall doesn't look like me at all. She may have my features and hair color, but she's much more elegant and gorgeous.

"Shit, you don't like it, do you? I knew I'm not that skilled yet, I shouldn't have-"

Before she can finish her idiotic thought, I grab her by the neck and connect our foreheads quickly.

"It's the most beautiful gift I've ever received. ", I assure her, stroking her hair. "Thank you. I lo-", I clear my throat, shaking my head softly, "-loved it.", I croak finally.

She looks at me adoringly before nuzzling her face in my neck.

"I'm so happy you liked it. So happy.", she whispers, as if no one else but me is allowed to hear that.

"I loved it.", I repeat, still holding her.

She pulls away and smiles widely. She doesn't smile like that often, but when she does it's one hell of a sight.

"I'm so tired.", she mumbles, sighing.

Of course she is.

"I know. Wanna go back home?"

She nods and intertwines our hands instantly.

The small alley she chose to work on the graffiti in, it's only two blocks from my house so we get there quickly.

Fortunately, my mother isn't in the kitchen or the living room, so we head straight to my bedroom.

I advise her to try to sleep for a little bit since she barely had any sleep last night.

"Lay with me.", she asks in a small voice, caressing my fingers.

"I really need to study for tomorrow Rainbow."

She pouts but nods dismissively, planting a kiss on my forehead before leaving me to study.


"Jade?", Maya's voice interrupts my studying session three hours later.

"It's open."

She enters the room quietly, looking back and forth between me and a sleeping Billie on my bed.

"She's asleep?"

"Please be quiet. She really needs to rest."

My sister nods and proceeds to approach me.

"Nik is out for job hunting. Again. He's exhausted as well. Maybe we should tell someone."

I look up at her, alarmed.

"What do you mean tell someone? We can't! They'll take Billie away and throw Nik to the streets.", I interject.

Is she serious?

"I know, I know. But sneaking them in and out turned out to be riskier than we thought.", she explains, "Mom almost got into my room this morning."


"Shhh. Yeah. And I found some lame excuse about my room being messy to keep her out. It's her house, we can't keep fooling her forever."

"It's not forever. He will find a job soon."

"How do you know that? Listen to me, I know you and Billie are...close. But let's not think about ourselves for a second. Wouldn't it be better for Nik if she was put into an orphanage? He could find a stable job and get her back just a year later, when she turns eighteen. He can't take care of himself, let alone another person."

Have we all been that selfish?

"Nik said he couldn't bear to be separated from Billie.", I try not to sound desperate, but I think I'm failing miserably.

"He can't provide himself though. What's best for both of them?"

I can't listen to her anymore.

The closest orphanage is out of town and there is no doubt that if Billie was transferred there, she would quit school and I wouldn't be able to see her at all.

It might be selfish, but I can't lose her. I won't lose her.
I'm pretty sure I'm in love with her and I need to tell her quicker than I'd planned.

100k views??? Y'all are WILD, thank you so, so much!
Do you think Nik will decide to send Billie away for her own good? It's Maya's fault yeah, but she worries for both of them.
Anyway, stay safe xoxo

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